Chapter 6

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Nightflame's POV.

When I consciousness finally came back to me and I took in my surroundings I realized that there were alarms going off, "The site is experiencing multiple Keter and Euclid level containment breaches. Full site lock-down initiated." a voice said from over head. I was very confused for a moment till a realized the door to this containment cell, that looked nothing from my previous one, that I was put in were open. I tried to stand but since I was so dizzy I fell back down to my knees and had to sit there for a moment before being able to actually stand back up on my feet, I then made my way to the door way but another wave of dizzyness hit me so I had to grab the metal frame of the cell's door. I looked down the hallways only to some blood on the floor and a dead body as well of a MTF, I went into the hallway and shapeshifted out my wings to help with balance since what ever I was injected with was still having some effects on me but I still stayed close to the wall.

1 hour Time skip:
I wondered the halls trying to find Darkportal and my brother but with no success so far. I suddenly start coughing really hard, when I finally stop and look at my hand I see my blood. "Shit. What the hell did they do to me?" I say to myself. I kept going trying to stay conscious as I went on, I eventually to intersection of hallways but luckily I could see the doors of offices ahead of me. Looking down the other two hallway I almost ran across, to one of the doors, and opened it to see a desk with a computer on it that was luckily still on so I went over and sat in the chair before​ I started searching for a map of the place and the whereabout of Darkportal and my brother.
It didn't long for me to find what I needed and had COMPUTER download the info, luckily I started to feel better again so I quickly left on my search just incase my induced sickness were to come back again.
Out of no where a warning came up on my map that there were loyalist near so I stopped for a moment to look around and listen, everything was still but a bit to still for my liking. Suddenly high pitched screeching and I turned around to see a large vgroup of gen 1.5 loyalist clones. I materialized a pistol in my right hand loaded with bullets that would kill them but I decided to run because I didnt have time at the moment to deal with them unless they got to close or if I found Casket and my brother with them still following me.
As I kept going I hear someone call my name from a inersection of hallways I had just passed then skitted to a stop and turned around before walking back to the hallway to see Casket along with... SCP-049? I gave my friend a questioning look before hearing another screech from down the hallway, " The hell was that?" Darkportal asked,
I looked down the hallway with my pistol at the ready "Those would be gen. 1.5 Loyalist my dear Timelord." I said as a aimed at the creatures.
We watched as the Loyalist came closer but before I could fire a single bullet they all vanished then COMPUTER appeared infront of my saying " The Loyalist have vanished.",
I sighed " Yea, no shit sherlock.",
"My name is COMPUTER, that is the name you gave to me." ,
"COMPTER you are aware of expressions like that already, stop being a jackass and start scanning for where they went." I said before COMPUTER's hologramic image went away. I proceeded to have my pistol dematerialize from my hand before look at Casket and SCP-049,
"So, did I miss something while we were seperated Casket? Cause I completly didn't expect for you to team up with 049 here." I said,
"Weeeell, we made a sort of truce for him to not kill me while we look for you." Casket answered,
I looked directly at 049 with a questioning look for a moment "You just going to stand there or ya going to say hello to someone who you were told was dead?" I said,
"I just can't believe its really you." He said walking closer to me,
I smiled a little before saying "You should believe it's me cause I honestly can't die....which is quite odd from my stand point since there were multiple times I was supposed to." ,
"Was there a moment you were supposed to die the last time you were here Night?" Casket asked,
"Yes actually." I answered,
"When was that?" SCP-049 asked looking alarmed,
"I believe it was when we first met and I got shot in the head by that possessed MTF." I said,
"Interesting. I think we should get a move on getting out of here soon, not taking liking to that we got a old version of Loyalist clones running around." Casket said while she was looking around,
"Chill out," I walked over to Casket and gave her a hug "I won't let those evil Loyalist get my Timelord." ,
"I feel like you're not telling me everything.",
"Um, I may have gotten poisoned some how. But I'm fine for now and computer is working of neutralizing it.",
"Really?!" Casket pushed me away "How is that even possible?" She asked,
I shrugged "Not really sure but I'm fine for now. Now, shall we go find Uni and get ourselves out of here?",
She just nodded and I looked over at 049 who nodded in agreement as well.

(Apologies everyone for this taking so long, I've beem out of school for a few weeks now but I got caught up in having to do drivers ed, looking for a job, and working on my YouTube channel. Hope y'all like this chapter that took forever to finally post.)

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