Chapter 4

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???'s POV.

I've been here for 38 days now that I've been stuck in the damn cell. I've heard that there are 2 Agents within the facility from the EEA, which is the same agency my older sister and Darkportal work at, and I'm only half hoping that its them because I know I'm going to be in a lot of trouble with my sister when she finds that I wasn't being carful with my project like I was warned to do.

Nightflame's POV.

I had woken up to find myself in a small concrete​ wall room and to freak out but then I remembered that I'm in my room at the SCP site ██ , I noticed there was a hand radio by my door that I assume that I had passed by without noticing when I first entered. I voice suddenly came through the radio,
"Pick up the radio, Nightflame." the voice said,
I cautiously got up and went over to pick up the radio,
"Good, you can follow instructions." it said,
"Are you watching me or something? I don't see any cameras in here." I said looking around,
"I am watching you, but I'm not using the human's primitive technology." The voice spoke,
"Who are you?" I asked starting to get annoyed,
"Oh that's not important, what you should be worried about is you're partner." The voice said with a cocky tone,
I chuckled " Really? Well something tells me she's fine." just then a knock was at my door and I opened it to see Darkportal,
"What?!" The voice exclaimed then it said "I thought you had that taken care of you idiot." in the Loyalist's special language,
Darkportal looked at me confused ,while I closed the door, not knowing the other thing they said unlike me who knew exactly what was said,
"If that is true, then wouldn't it be a shame one of their current visitors was a SCP that used to be contained within the facility?" it said,
"Well I'm not to sure how you would achieve that with no proof." I said looking over at Darkportal who looked a bit concerned,
"I have your EEA Agent File that I can send to all the doctors within  the facility." the voice said,
"You're bluffing." I said,
the radio went silent. Minutes later COMPUTER's holographic form appeared infront of me,
"Yea, who ever that was weren't bluffing. We're screwed." COMPUTER spoke in it's techno sounding voice before disappearing,
"Shit." I said facepalming myself,
"Good job, now what?" Darkportal said,
"Lock the door with your sonic screwdriver and then we gotta figure an escape plan." I responded while I threw the radio at the wall causing it to break,
Darkportal locked the door "So, any idea who that was any ways?" she asked me,
sighing I responded with "I suspect that was Jewel's older Brother who was also the General of the Loyalist, I thought he was dead till just now that I think about." ,
"And why did you assume he was bluffing?",
"Cause he bluffed like that all the time last time I recall.",
suddenly there was a loud knocking on the door before a deep voice said "Open the door and come out with you hands up or we'll have to come in and drag you out!" ,
"Um... hide under the bed." I said pointing at the bed,
"How will that save us?" She questioned,
"Just do it." I said,
"Alright...alright." Darkportal said as she quickly got under the bed,
I got under the bad as well,
"How did they react so quickly?" she asked,
"I'm assuming the message was sent out about me as soon as I picked up the radio." I responded,
"Wow, so I guess there was no way to prevent this.",
there was a loud bang on the door along with it bending to want ever was hit against it.

Non POV.

With every hit against the door it bent with, but is became a long process from the door not giving in but when it did MTFs came rushing into the room with their rifles ready. It didn't take long for them to locate where Nightflame and Darkportal were at, Darkportal was walked out by an officer while Nightflame had to be dragged out with her trying to land a hit on any of the MTFs around here while she yelled "How dare you! I've been protecting this planet while I've been away from this hell hole!" but her thrashing didn't help much. Darkportal was already being walked away by a officer to a holding cell of her own down by SCP-049, Nightflame didn't know where her friend was being taken harder against the officers and doctors holding her down until she was suddenly injected with a strong dose of sedatives by one of the random doctors around her and it only took a couple of minutes for Nightflame to be knocked out by the drug.

(Progress! Still haven't to explain every little thing but those will come up later!! Hope yall are liking the story so far! Don't forget to leave a SCP pun in the comments cause I needs some puns for this story later on. :3 )

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