Chapter 1

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Non POV.

Nightflame and Darkportal were traveling in their share space ship to a location that was sent for them to go to from the Extraterrestrials of Earth Agency. Nightflame was the first to step out to see a phone booth, and it was the middle of the night so no one was on the street, with a note on the phone that said 'Pick up the brief case and wait for the phone to ring.' and she did as the note said. Darkportal walked out "What's our assignment? " she British half human asked,
"Dunno yet, gotta wait for the phone to ring." Nightflame responded, the phone ringed seconds later and she picked it up."This is Agent Colorado of The EEA. Who might this be?" She said into the phone,
"Hello Agent, there is a suit case next the phone that I'm sure noticed by now. Your assignments today will be going to the SCP foundation to do a couple of interviews on SCPs and then to gather any information you can about the foundation,  you are assigned to interview the SCP in the first file while Agent Alaska into interview the SCP in the second file. The agency has informed me to tell you that they are aware of what occurred last time you were their, though you have changed quite a bit in the time since you were last there the EEA highly recommends for you to be careful." a voice said through the phone,
"Got it Sean, bye." Nightflame said,
"Stay safe Agent Colorado. " He said before the phone went silent.
Nightflame walked into their space craft and Darkportal followed in behin her, she sat the suit case down on the table in the kitchen and opened it to see 2 folders inside labled as '#1 {Agent Colorado}' and '#2 {Agent Alaska}', Night picked up the folder labled for her and opened.

Nightflame's POV.

I opened the file and was shocked to see what SCP I was assigned to interview, I couldn't believe the agency wants me to interview SCP-049. I remeber how I fell in love with that....creature.... but my intrest now have changed, but I also never even told him I was leaving when I did but nothing can change that now. I looked up from my assignment at Darkportal who was reading her assignement,
"Who'd you get?" I asked her,
"Um, I got SCP-173." She answered with a puzzled look "Oh, I'm also supposed to go interact with SCP-999 after wards." she added,
"How strange, 173 isn't of a talker unless your a SCP, but luckily you get to meet SCP-999." I said,
"I guess, but I was only given 1 question to ask SCP-173." Darkportal said before looking over at me and asked "So, who'd you get?",
"I got SCP-049, I honestly think it's stupid I got him." I said with a annoyed tone,
"I can understand why, hopefully he doesnt reconize you." she said looking back down at her file,
I grabbed a paper that was left in the suit case, I saw it was the demention and exact quardinates we needed to go to so we could get picked up and taken to the foundation.
"Hey, you ready to start the assignment?" I asked,
"I'm ready whenever you are." she responded,
"Alright, I'm gonna go set in the demention and quardinates we need to go to." I said before setting down my folder and walking into the control room to set our destination.
It didnt take us long to arrive where we needed to be. I walked out, with Darkportal holding both our folders, I noticed there was a old building over our ship and there was a Jeep or somthing driving towards us. We waited for a moment to see that it was a old military Jeep and there were 2 people in it, when they finally got over to us one, that was in a lab coat, jumped out saying "We've been expecting you two, I'm Dr.Hansen and I'm here to inform you of the rules within the Site and I'll be giving you your keycards." He said before giving us our keycards, mine was a level Omega while Darkportal's was a level 5,
"It is a pleasure to have the privilege to get to see inside the facility, if you don't all know I am Agent Colorado and my partner here is Agent Alaska." I said trying my best to actually sound pleased to be here,
"Well, it's my pleasure to get to meet you both. Now if you two can get into the vehicle we can be on our way." Dr.Hansen said with a little grin, with that all 3 of us go in and a MTF drove us to the facility.

(Yay! First chapter done! More will be explained as the story progresses, so no worries cause I know doing....mostly. If yall want me to attempt to add any SCPs then leave a comment, also if anyone has any SCP related puns then also comment that and include which SCP it's for. :3  )

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