Chapter 5

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3 hrs. Time skip:

Darkportal's POV.

Its been a few hours by now since Nightflame and I have gotten caught, I don't blame her what so ever since she previously knew who ever it was over the radio bluffed like that.
I feel a bit frightened having to be put in a small holding cell near SCP-049 containment chamber. I sat down on the crappy bed that was attached to the wall and just stared att the wall thinking up a plan to escape from here with Nightflame before anything worse either happens to me or her. I can hear muffled voices from the MTF outside the cell, I could'nt tell much of what they were saying but what I could hear sounded something along the lines of questioning what the doctor and higher up were going to do with me.

2 days Time Skip:

I've gotten little sleep here from over thinking what could possibly happen the Nightflame or myself while in the cusody of the SCP Foundation, I have also lost track of exactly how long I've been in this sell because I dont have a clock in here and nor do I have a watch with me but I estimate its been about 2 days.
I'm suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when alarms start going off and a voice over head says "The site is experiencing multiple Keter and Euclid level containment breaches. Full site lock-down initiated." I coudle hear the large set of doors to SCP-049's containment chamber open but the doors to the small cell I'm in didn't, I assume its because this isnt a SCP containment chaber and more of just a holding cell. I get as far away from the door when I begin to hear screams of pain and terror outside the door from the MTFs and whoever else was unlucky to be out in the hallway at the moment, I still had my sonic screwdriver and all my other stuff I brought with me but now I'm wishing I had brought a hand gun or at least a tazer so I could get away from this level of the facility more safily. I decide to get up and walk towards the door to listen for anything or anyone, all seems silent but I can hear the foot steps of someone in the hallway but the foot step sound nothing like any Doctor's, MTF's, or even a Class-D. The foot step begin to come closer to the door then stop right infront of it, "I know someone is in there." a low toned Britishy sounding voice said and I knew it was SCP-049,
I didn't say anything hoping that he'd give up and walk away but he didn't,
"Do not be afaid, I am the cure." He said,
"Y-yea right, I know who you are and w-what you do to supposably cure full blood humans." I say while internally cursing myself for speaking,
"How are you so aware of what I do?" He said,
"I have a friend who is plenty aware of what all you do to the ones you kill." I say without stuttering this time,
"And who might your friend be?" He asked in a devious sounding tone,
"Want to know there SCP number or their actual name?" I asked knowing that Nightflame will probably be pissed at me later for telling,
"Your friend is a escaped SCP? So that's why you were put down here, oh I'm vary curious as to who they are." He said sounding as if he came closer to the door,
" Yes, my friend is a escaped SCP? Now I ask again, do you want to know their SCP number or actual name?" I ask once more feeling my double hearts begining to beat faster from wanting to know his answer,
"Hmmm, your friend's SCP number. I'm wondering as to who they are." He finally said,
"SCP-3005." I said clearly but my words were followed by a few moments of silence,
"You're lying, SCP-3005 died 10 years ago." he said darkly,
"I'm not lying, the ones who really lied to you is the Foundation. She's alive and in the facility now." I said,
"What makes you think the Foundation is the one who's lying to me?" SCP-049 said,
"If 3005 was really dead, then why would they even care to tell you moments after she broke out her containment cell?" I asked taking my sonic screwdriver out of my pocket,
"Why would they lie to me on such a matter?" He said,
"For shits an giggles, to see how'd you react to that kind of loss." I said,
"Was she the one who interviewed me?" He asked,
"Yes. Agent Colorado, aka Nightflame, is SCP-3005." I said,
silence hung in the air for a few moments before I could hear him begin to start pacing,
"Hey, you want to go find her or what? I don't want to cower in here all day while the rest of you monsters part without me while my Nightflame is looking everywhere for me and her brother." I said,
"Why would she be looking for you? And since when does she have a brother?" He aske,
"One she's the guardian of any remaining timelords, which is what I'm half of, and two she's always had a brothers but she just didn't ever really talk about him to anyone until some resent events tool place. Now, will you promise to not kill me when I open this door to go find Nightflame?" I said,
I heard him sigh " I promise not to kill you, not like I was going to anyways. But how will you get out?" he said,
"Like this." I then used my sonic screwdriver and the door opened automatically,
"How did you..." He began to say but he was cut off when the dead bodys in the hallway began to groan as they reanimated,
"Guess we should go now." I said,
he nodded and we quickly headed for the elevator to go up from this level.

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