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The scene opens in a bedroom.
Light slipped into the room through the blinds on the window, Izuku opened his eyes they were red due to not getting a full night's sleep.

He rolled out of the bed and walked towards his kitchen as he heated up water and put coffee in it after finishing his black coffee he took the mug and went to the washroom to freshen up.

After 15 minutes.
He came out of the washroom having finished his coffee and also taking a shower.

He went ahead and served himself a sandwich and began eating while putting on his school uniform.

When he was finished he left his apartment locking the door behind him.

Walking towards the school on his way he saw a skinny man with sunken eyes and blonde hair with 2 strands falling on his face.

Izuku closed his eyes and opened them again seeing the man's life flow noticing a major injury on the left side of his stomach as he chuckled and walked away.

Upon reaching his school he entered his classroom to find it empty beside Bakugo Katsuki and his companions.

Bakugo turned his head towards the door seeing that it was the quirkless bastard of an orphan that opened the door he stood up walked towards the door and grabbed Izuku by the throat.

And said, "finally you are here, Deku where have you been for the last year, you good for nothing, motherless piece of shit."

Izuku was not amused with this and today of all days something snapped as Izuku grabbed Bakugo's hand as gentle as a baby grabbing someone's hand.

Bakugo then laughed saying "ahh this is weaker than a baby, you really that weak...... besides who told you a weakling as you could touch me, you are below me you understand." He let out an explosion.

Izuku took the explosion to the throat and then something snapped he looked Bakugo in the eye and with anger-filled eyes he snapped Bakugo's hand crushing his bones.

Bakugo let out a scream of pain as he fell to his knees, Izuku simply walked past him, Bakugo's companion checked up on him but he pushed them all off and said "you are looking down on me like always, how dare you do that, you stupid Deku. I am stronger, smarter and better than you in every aspect. I should be the one looking down on you, you quirkless, motherless, fatherless and most of all loveless waste of oxygen."

Izuku stopped walking and took a few steps back and swiftly turned to face Bakugo as he grabbed him by the throat and lifted him with one hand and said "listen here you little shit, I did look down on you and I still do and will continue to do and if you are so troubled by it feel free to suck my balls, and I might let you off once a while because you see that's where you belong on your knees sucking people off. You are nothing absolutely nothing, you have all I don't but still, you are more worthless than a man without eyes, ears, mouth, hands and legs."

he then looked Bakugo in the eye and said "you are below me and will always stay there..." he then leaned to his ear and said, "and you will do nothing about it because you can't do anything about it. Now I want to see what a pomeranian looks like while flying, do you guys also want to see it happen?" as he looked at the other people there who said or did nothing.

Izuku raised his eyebrows and swung his head left and right and said "I'll take that as a yes" he then looked at Bakugo's face, he was almost passed out. Izuku sighed and threw him out of the window. 

All of the school ran to the ground, Izuku turned to the other kids and said "if you don't want the same fate as boom boom bitch, tell everyone he tried to explode me and I ducked, he flew out and broke his hand on the fall. Capeesh?"

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