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The students were watching in awe as The Symbol of peace was tearing the villains apart punching them with his fist and even air strong enough to blow away buildings During the fight A mist had tried to attack the students but Aizawa blocked it at every turn. 

"Dad is getting faster, looks like it is working quite well!" "What is Izuku?" "I taught Dad a new fighting style it has greatly improved his speed and reaction time." "I see" 

"Yagi!" "Yes Sensei" "I need you to take out the mist in 1 hit the next time it comes around I will forcefully deactivate his quirk and you have to take it out I can't keep up with this game of cat and mouse I need to find the man behind the rubbery effect to get you all out safely." 

"I get it sensei, from my observations the metal collar seems like a weak spot I'll break it, and Momo!!" "Yes." "Make anti-quirk cuffs and be ready to slap them on the enemy when I give the go-ahead." "Will do." Momo then secretly formed Cuffs hidden in her jacket Suddenly a mist opened up behind Aizawa he was late to turn around so he used Uraraka's viser as a mirror to look at the mist canceling his quirk Just then Izuku rushed past his teacher punching the collar shattering it as the Villain tried to catch the falling pieces he saw his hands being cuffed as the mist around him started to dissipate leaving him in a small body still covered in a small amount of mist.

"Good job you two!" Aizawa then grabbed the villain in his scarf and left him in the middle of the students so no other Villain could reach it.

Aizawa then rushed away giving a nod to his colleague and Izuku signaling 'that the students are in their protection.' 

Aizawa then went on the hunt for the villain trapping them in the dome Meanwhile All Might had now entered a tug-of-war both pushing against each other All Might seemingly had the upper hand as he ripped off The monster's arm and punched it in the wound reaching inside his body as he began to tear it apart from the inside and then brought his hand out from the chest and used his other hand to tear the beast in half. "I am sorry, May your suffering have ended."

"NO! THE NOMU WAS SUPPOSED TO KILL YOU. MASTER SAID THAT YOU WERE WEAKER IN A PATHETIC STATE THEN HOW COULD YOU DEFEAT THE NOMU!!!!" All Might looked at the guy with hands all over his body as he thought 'Master? Someone who knew about my injury? could it be?" 

Suddenly Sludge began to spill out of the man's mouth as it covered his body and instead of his place what was left was another Nomu. A voice came through the Nomu's chest 'How long has it been All Might, You seem to have somehow regained your strength and health but it won't matter against this better and improved Nomu The last one had impact absorption which you were able to surpass but this one has impact nullification."

"AFO!" All Might gritted his teeth preparing to fight the Nomu.




The students were seeing the Symbol of peace being trashed around the place as All Might struggled to do any damage to the beast he was attempting to make or at least hoping that the Impact nullification had a limit to how much it could Nulify but All Might was out of luck The Nomu was nowhere near its limit and the Symbol of Piece was on the back foot until they crashed into the boat at the water rescue site the boat caught on fire as they battled inside.

All Might grabbed a pool table which was on fire hitting the Nomu As the Nomu's hand caught fire and it screeched in pain All Might noticed something 'It's not healing!' This thought distracted him long enough to allow the opponent to close the distance.

The Nomu hit All Might in his old injury which was still somewhat sore and then followed by an uppercut which lifted All Might off the ground to finish him off The Nomu hit him in the stomach with a double fist Punch sending All Might into the stairs off the USJ his conciousness fading "Izuku!" Izuku rushed past his classmates and to his dad who was lying on the ground "He has impact nullification, no physical attack carrying force will work on it use attacks like explosions, fire, and lasers. This one lacks a regeneration factor as well."

Providing the last piece of information All Might fell unconscious. "Uraraka take All Might to safety, Todoroki you come with me we need to defeat the beast."

Todoroki and Uraraka ran forward Uraraka grabbed All Might floating him back to the group as Shoto and Izuku ran towards the Nomu "What's the plan How do we defeat what defeated the No.1 Hero?" "All Might lost because the Nomu can nullify any impact so we don't hit him with a hard attack but instead use elements such as fire as it has no Regeneration we can basically burn it to death."

"I get it I will trap him in ice and then burn him meanwhile you are the bait to keep him busy and away from me." "Yeah, I doubt any one of us could take more than 1 punch from him but I have a better chance at dodging and you have a better shot at killing it so let's do it."

Shoto stopped a good distance from the Nomu as he stomped his foot sending an ice wave at the Nomu and froze his feet. Izuku rushed in punching his face which did nothing but grab its attention as the Nomu broke free turning to Izuku it was hit in the back with a beam of fire burning his flesh it again changed Direction Leaping at Todoroki but Izuku grabbed his hand and all his Might flipped the Nomu and slammed him into the ground and then threw it up in the air Shoto had rushed near Izuku and from the ground he summoned a giant pillar of Fire hitting the Nomu in the air as it screeched and came crashing down.

It landed with a thud and Its flesh was burning almost gone his bones were visible the two young students thought it was over until in a flash the Nomu grabbed Shoto's left hand and broke it throwing him back to the other students and Kicked Izuku who managed to block last second with both of his arms but even he was launched nearly to the edge of USJ.

Izuku prepared to be hit back towards the Nomu by the rubber effect but to his surprise, the edge acted like metal and stopped him in his tracks.

Izuku slowly collected himself and yelled out in pain and anger "You want to die so bad? Huh? I will kill you myself!" Izuku then took a stance as the Nomu started to run towards him '6th inner Gate: GATE OF VIEW open' A gust of wind was released from his body as a green glow appeared on him Izuku then rushed at the Nomu going faster than even the Nomu itself catching it off-guard he then hit it in the stomach as the Nomu was launched fack into the fountain.

Everyone was shocked seeing Izuku knock the monster back "How did he knock it back" "Yeah, I thought it had impact nulification." "It does" Everyone turned around to see Aizawa walking towards them with his eyes glowing red "I am just canceling its quirk hence Izuku can hurt it now."

They all looked back as they heard a scream the Nomu was on fire and the cause was Izuku's fist.

"WHAT!!" "How can he produce fire." Izuku then rushed at the Nomu punching the air as he rushed along shooting fireballs at the Nomu.

"He is not producing fire he is punching so hard and fast that the air is catching on fire." Everyone was in awe even Aizawa and Shoto who had retained consciousness.

Izuku hit the Nomu again multiple times blasting his body with fire-engulfed punches 'I can only keep this up for only about 10 seconds my arms are burning and the bones are already broken.

Izuku then hit the Nomu multiple times tearing off its limbs with his powerful strikes and burning its flesh and muscles.

In the end, he hit the Nomu straight in the chest Burning it completely as the Nomu collapsed Izuku walked up and stood on its body raising his burning fist in the air as the flame dissipated it revealed a badly burnt hand.

'I won, now I can rest' Izuku thought as he limped to the ground with a smile on his face.


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