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The eldest of the Three Princes - The Crown Prince. Who since in the days of his youth bore an air of great importance. While his stature was not built to appear overly intimidating; for he was tall yet slender - his overall countenance and forbearance was.

His facial expression, though neutral, would cause one to wonder if he was either plotting their demise, bored and uninterested with whatever proceedings he had sat in on or mentally rehearsing his swordplay. Maybe he did all of the aforementioned or maybe he did neither, no one would ever know for certain. Dark haired with deep grey eyes, he greatly resembled his father - The Southern King and fair skinned as his mother – The Southern Queen.



The middle child. Second in line to the Southern Kingdom's throne. His hair is an ashy grey with eyes the colour of a blue grey stone; often found on the southern shores of the Black Sea. Tall and quite broad - his stature is exactly that of his father.

Though younger than the Crown Prince - many often would mistake him for being the older one.

Unlike Roman, he openly and readily displays concern and affection towards his family - most of all his baby brother.



The youngest of the Princes. He is also affectionately called by the name 'Alex', especially so, by his mother, whom he takes after in every way .

Silvery white hair, with ice cold blue eyes and pale skin. Slim in build; he at most times, carries himself tall.




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