Tragic Tale To Tell

58 9 24

Originally Written: November 2020

Revised and Published: August 8th, 2022

So this song is set in the perspective of someone I used to know. I placed myself in her shoes ( not literally ) and imagined what she must've felt during all that went down ( That was so long ago, so it's history tbh. )

I used to believe it was a tragic tale to tell, but I realized that this was the best for her. She never needed New York City ( metaphorically speaking ofc. ). She's better off without NYC. I'm a strong believer of the saying 'Everything happens for a reason' and maybe that's why everything worked out that way.

I'd say more, but then I'd spoil the song for you. I never thought any songs in 2022 that weren't about my personal life were any good, but this one I actually like. Maybe I'm not so bad at this! Not that I ever was.


Once upon a time in a faraway land

Lived a young girl who penned several plans

Down in her notebook, certain no one would dare look

At every word she hoped to someday fulfill

It was rare for her to live for the thrill

She was never one to settle down

That was, until New York came around

So she decided to delay her flight

She thought to herself " This city is kind of nice "

Was her fatal instinct right?

Or was this another decision she'll eventually spite?


Oh, the wondrous charm

Of being welcomed with open arms

Oh, what delight!

Could this be the missing puzzle piece to her life?


Threw many parties where divine fashion was shown

And the latest gossip was told

Oh, but little did she know

Little did she know . . . oh oh

That this would be the start of a tragic tale to tell

Always pleasing others but herself

Even when they put her through hell

Yet she only meant well

Oh, what a tragic tale to tell . . . even now


The DJ mixed the records

And punch was being served

She was the talk of the town

Everyone knew her

And her kind gestures were well heard

Little did she know, all things good tend to crumble down

False words were spread around about the humble host

And just like that, her reputation fumbled in ruins

Caused by other's troublesome doing

What's done is done

Or is that philosophy wrong?

She decided to ignore everyone's suggestions

To leave New York City permanently

But how could she?

If all she ever built was right there

It couldn't possibly end due to despising stares

Despite receiving all that hate

So she decided to stay

And swerve through all the high stakes

That were placed in the mere way


The wondrous charm was all gone

Instead of being welcomed with open arms

Was hate speech darted at her directly

As everyone rooted for her to leave


So she threw one last party

As a test of loyalty

What would fate withhold?

Would this be the end of the most tragic tale ever told?

Always pleasing others but herself

Even when they put her through hell

Yet she only meant well

Oh, what a tragic tale to tell . . . even now


To her oblivious surprise no one came

No, not even the DJ

In the end, was it really fate?

That New York wasn't really meant to be her place?

So that very night, she packed her bags

And booked a flight, to never look back

She never did look back

I guess in the end, it's not a tragic tale to tell

She took 2 years to mend since then

And learned to take care of herself

She's fought hell and lost the war

But it could've been a lost worse

Sure, she feels scarred

But at least she never lost herself in the process

And home sweet home

Is right where her heart is

In the end, ain't that enough?

For her, it is


No, she never looked back

No, she never did ×2

𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐲 ( 𝒎𝒚 𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔 '𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒗𝒂𝒖𝒍𝒕')Where stories live. Discover now