Building Connections

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"Hello everyone!"

Anna waved at the camera.

"Sorry for surprising you, but apparently that's part of the fun of V Lives."

She smiled as she read the comments.

"It's not fun? It's not fun when you miss it. Ah, that's true. It's sad, isn't it? What do you do when you suddenly get a notification that one of your favourite Idols has gone live? When I lived in England, because of the time difference, a couple of times I got it just before I started work, so I couldn't watch it. So sad!"

Leaning forward, she reads more of the comments. They're coming in quickly now as more people join the live.

"You always miss it because of the time difference? Oh no! That's the life of an international fan, isn't it? The time difference in Europe isn't too bad, I think. Midnight in Korea is 3 or 4 pm there, which we know is prime time for new K-pop content to drop."

A comment catches Anna's eye.

"Chan's Room is usually on at a good time? Ah, Stay Kids' Bang Chan does his weekly V Live every Sunday night doesn't he? Who else watches it?"

The comments pour in from every Stray Kids fan.

"Oh, wow. There's a lot of STAYs watching today. Hello!"

Anna waves again excitedly, before going back to reading the comments.

"You always miss Chan's Room because of the time difference? That's a shame. He works really hard to translate everything he says as well so more people can understand when watching it live."

She nods as she watches the comments move up the screen.

"I do that too? Well, I try my best. I think it's only fair since I can speak both languages - reasonably well. It's a bit harder doing it on a live though! Aww, you guys are too sweet."

Anna put her hand to her heart as the fans complimented her on her translation skills.

"What was that?"

Another comment caught her eye and she tried to scroll back through the comments to find it.

"Did I watch Chan's Room last week? I did, the replay though. Since he's on tour I keep missing it, but I bet American STAY are happy with the time change."

She pouted, not knowing that the viewers were screenshotting her sulking cutely and it would be all across twitter later that she was upset because she missed Chan's Room.

"Yes, that's right. He played my song. For those of you who don't watch it, Bang Chan does a weekly V Live called Chan's Room where he plays song recommendations, or new releases. Last week he did J-Hope's MORE and my How To Land. That was pretty cool. Okay, it was awesome!"

Anna laughed and shook her fists in the air in a little excited dance.

"Huh? You want me to do Chan's Room. Oh, you want me to do a regular V Live like Chan? Wow, that's a big commitment. Honestly, I don't know how he manages to do it every week. They're not short Lives either, at least an hour, sometimes an hour and a half long! Crazy."

The viewers seemed to be very serious about this idea and were trying to convince her to do it in the comments.

"It doesn't have to be every week. It doesn't have to be that long."

She nodded thoughtfully.

"Okay, so, ideas... I could do a long one once a month, say the last Friday or whatever, or a short one every week. What do you think?"

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