Stronger Together

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The members of BTS were on location recording an advertisement, one of one the few times - other than rehearsing for their concert in October - where all seven of them were working together. During a break, they started talking about Anna.

"Did anyone watch Anna's live at the weekend?"

Namjoon nodded at Yoongi.

"I caught most of it. Can you believe that she used to be scared of cameras? Now she a pro!"

"I thought the same. I'm so proud!"

Jin wiped a fake tear from his eye. The others laughed at his dramatics but agreed with his words. However, Taehyung was smiling sadly.

"I don't think that's what Yoongi-Hyung wanted to talk about."

"If it's about her finding another Idol to fangirl over, then I don't want to hear a negative word about it."

"Hyung! Why are you looking at me? I didn't say anything!"

Jimin crossed his arms and pouted. Jungkook giggled as he wrapped his arm around the dancer's shoulders.

"No, it's not about that..."

"Then what?"

"What happened?"

Taehyung frowned at the confused faces of the other members.

"Did none of you watch until the end?"


While the others looked guilty for not seeing the end of Anna's V Live, Jungkook remembered how the live had ended. The youngest looked at Yoongi and Taehyung in understanding.

"Why do you three look so serious?"

"Did something bad happen? Why are you only telling us about it now?"

"It's not like that."

"Noona saw a bad comment."

There was a moment of silence until Jin spoke up.

"Who dared to be mean to my baby?!"

"Hyung, I thought I was your baby..."

Jin ruffled Taehyung's hair, making the younger smile happily.

"You are. Who dared to be mean to my - other baby?!"

"But she never said anything to us, right?"

Everyone confirmed to Namjoon that Anna hadn't mentioned it to any of them.

"What did the comment say?"

Yoongi looked around at his soulmates and sighed before answering.

"It implied that she was greedy for having seven soulmates -"


"- and that she should focus on us instead of trying to 'steal' more Idols away from their fans."


Namjoon was the one who said it out loud, but the rest of them were thinking the same thing. They knew that Anna felt undeservingly lucky to have the seven of them as her soulmates. It was a reason she tried to share as much as she could with their fans. Seeing a comment like that would have struck a nerve. Hoseok asked the question some of the others were also wondering.

"How did she react?"

"She recovered quickly, tried to act normally, and then ended the video."


"It took her off guard. The comment. It was noticeable if you were paying close attention. Anna hasn't mastered her poker face yet."

"Should we say something? Do something? I don't want this to affect her future lives."

Chapter Two (An Indescribable Feeling)Where stories live. Discover now