Seven Hours

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Jin didn't get to stay much longer after Anna woke up. She was shocked to learn that she had actually been unconscious for a few days, and it wasn't until Jin arrived that they had transferred her home from the hospital.

Although she felt fine now, everyone was insisting that she rest. There were even talks of pushing her comeback to a later date, but Anna didn't want to disappoint the fans since it had already been announced.

As such they had timetabled rest periods into her schedule. No more practising into the night. Instead, here she was on a Wednesday evening, sitting at home, watching the newest Idol reality competition. Anna was watching it because her friend, Rose, had gotten a job as a makeup artist on the show and had insisted she watch it.

The concept was different to other similar shows she had watched. Instead of individuals competing to form a group, this show consisted of already-formed groups competing for a needed boost in their careers. She particularly liked the older groups who, for one reason or another, had lost popularity and were getting another chance to do what they loved.

At some point, Jungkook joined her.

"What are you watching?

"Peak Time."

Anna explained the concept of the show.

"Ah, have there been any groups you recognise?"

"They're not allowed to say their group name, so I wouldn't recognise them even if I'd heard of their group, but there's been one. KINGDOM."

"What are they doing now?"

"These are the solo contestants who wanted to enter the competition, but the rest of their group couldn't. The judges are going to form a new group made up of them. This is their audition."


Then the last Idol walked on stage. He looked vaguely familiar, but Anna didn't know who he was.

"Who is that?"


Jungkook leaned forward to look at the screen.

"Is that? Moon Jongup?"


"From BAP."

"Oh! They were active in your early years, right?"


"You okay, Kook?"

"I just never thought I'd see someone I knew doing something like this. It reminds me how lucky I am."

"I watched the show ATEEZ did before they debuted, and they went around all these companies to see trainees audition to get onto the show. There were so many young talented people that just didn't have the resources, or the chance to get into the industry. It was so sad. It made me wonder if there was anything I could do to help them. And then there are people that do make it but are taken advantage of and lose everything."

"We're lucky we're with HYBE."

"You're lucky Bang PD-nim found you all, and he's lucky that you all worked so hard that you made it work. I can't imagine what it was like when you were trainees, and the company was barely keeping afloat."

"Sometimes all that feels like a dream. Back then we never imagined... this."

"No wonder they're making a movie about you guys. Oh! It's his turn to perform."

She motioned for Jungkook to be quiet and stared at the screen in awe. Her soulmate watched her with a bemused expression. Even when the performance finishes and the MC interviews him, Anna continues to study the Idol on the screen.

Chapter Two (An Indescribable Feeling)Where stories live. Discover now