Home Voyage

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Anna was surprised when she got called to another meeting. They had just had one to discuss her fan meeting and other upcoming schedules so she couldn't figure out what else there could be.

Perhaps they forgot something.

She was more confused when she entered the meeting room and it wasn't the staff who she usually worked with.

"Hello, Anna. We're the staff in charge of BTS' content."

"Oh, of course. Nice to see you again."

"Please have a seat. We have asked you here because we need your help."

"My help?"

"Yes. We are bringing back Bon Voyage -"

"Yay! Sorry, I love that show."

"We asked the members where they would like to go and they said the UK."

Anna, who had been on the edge of her seat, slumped in disappointment.

"Oh, really? There wasn't anywhere else they wanted to go? Somewhere more... Exciting?"

"They wanted to go to your home country. Although they've briefly visited whilst on tour they felt like they hadn't seen much of the country."

"Fine. They're so sentimental. How can I help?"

"Is there anywhere or anything you would recommend for the to go or do? They mentioned that you would go on holiday in the Lake District."

"Yes. Definitely, my favourite place to go. Very beautiful, but I'm not sure what they'd do there apart from walking."

"We have some ideas, but if you think of anything we should include, please let us know."

"Of course. I'll think about it and let you know. All I've got at the moment are... Centre Parcs - it's a holiday park, lots of things to do - and themes Parcs - there are two big ones. Oh, and the Harry Potter Studio Tour! I'm not sure if any of this would be good for the show though."

"We try not to worry too much about that and just make sure the boys will enjoy it."

"True. They have a talent for creating entertainment wherever they go."

"And this is a surprise so please don't tell them. They know we're doing another season of Bon Voyage, but not where they're going."

"No problem."

Finally, I get to keep something a secret from them.

"Also, as you know, we've started filming Run BTS! again. We were asking the boys what they would like to do and they mentioned that you would like to plan an episode."

"Oh, wow. Yes, I might have said that at some point."

"We think it would be nice, a special episode arranged by you, but it's completely your choice. If you want to do it, just tell us what you need and we will sort it all out. Okay?"

"Okay. Yes, I'd like to... As soon as I have a plan, I'll let you know."

"Wonderful. Thank you so much for your help, Anna."

"No problem. I'm happy to help."

After leaving the meeting, Anna checked her phone to find a message from Jungkook.

Noona, I need you!

She replied asking where he was and then went to meet him. He was waiting for her with a pout.

"I need your help to choose."

"Choose what?"

Jungkook grinned as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the room.

Chapter Two (An Indescribable Feeling)Where stories live. Discover now