New Heights

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"You want us to do an obstacle course? Across the side of a mountain. Are you insane?"

"Come on, Hyung! It'll be fun!"

Hoseok looked at Jungkook with a look of disbelief.

"Easy for you to say, Mr Adrenaline Junkie."

Anna moved to stand beside Hoseok and grabbed his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.


"What for, Princess?"

"This was one of my suggestions, for things you could do here. In my defence, other than walking up mountains I was a little limited. I didn't do much else other than walking when I came here before."

"Are you doing it with us, Noona?"

"Nah. I'll watch for a bit before going back to start on dinner."

"What? That's not fair!"

"I volunteer to help Anna cook!"

Then the staff told them that Anna was doing the course with them.

"Oh... Great. Can't wait."

As the others argued over who was the least scared, Namjoon leaned down to whisper to Anna.

"Will you be okay? You don't have to do it if you don't want to."

"I want to - I want to see if I can. The last time I did something similar, I cried, but that was ten years ago. I think I'm braver now."

"I think you can say with certainty that you're braver now. You're the bravest person I know."

"Really? That can't be true."

"Why not?"

"Because -"

She was going to say because she was afraid of everything but stopped herself.

"What's that thing you like to tell us all the time? From Harry Potter, right? Bravery is not the absence of fear -"

"- but doing something despite your fear."

"Sounds like the perfect description of you."

Anna couldn't escape the blush that spread over her cheeks at her soulmate's sweet words. Namjoon wasn't often cute or romantic - being seriously intelligent or cleverly witty by nature - but that only made a bigger impact when he was.

"What's the perfect description of Anna?"

Taehyung leaned in, interrupting them, and then Jin didn't the same, his arm wrapped around the younger's shoulder.

"The brightest star in my sky. The melody of my song. The rice to my kimchi."

The oldest was stopped from carrying out by the voice of their youngest soulmate.

"Hyungs, are you ready yet? Let's go!"

They were fitted into their safety gear and listened to the instructions. Jungkook led the group, racing ahead before coming back to help the others. Afterwards, everyone admitted that it had been fun. Although, when Hoseok commented that it wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be, everyone looked at him in disbelief. That wasn't the impression they had gotten from the dancer whilst he was doing the assault course.

Once they reached the house, Anna and Yoongi headed to the kitchen to start cooking while the others collapsed on the sofas in the living room.

"I'm getting too old for this."

Jungkook grinned as his eyes shone with mischief.

"Someone please tell me they recorded that."


Chapter Two (An Indescribable Feeling)Where stories live. Discover now