Fan Confessions

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Jungkook looked at Anna with a hurt expression as she whacked his hand away.

"Noona? Why?"

"These aren't for you."

Anna was arranging a selection of treats on the table. She was about to do a V Live, the first official one of her promised monthly talks with fans. As discussed the theme was afternoon tea. Jungkook left happily after she promised that he could eat whatever she didn't after the live.

"Welcome to the first episode of Afternoon Tea with Anna!"

"So, I spoke to Bang Chan to ask if this was okay, and he said it's fine, of course, as long as I don't give you a virtual hug when I say goodbye."

A message came through on her phone and she laughed when she read it.

"Jin said I can do a flying kiss. I have his permission. No! That's your thing, Jinnie! Let me think. What could we do...? Finger hearts? But I want you to be able to join in... Oh! What about a heart like this?!"

Anna held out one hand and formed half a heart by pointing her thumb down and curling her fingers.

"I'll do one half and you guys can finish it! What do you think? Is that okay? We can always change it later.

"Right, so, first of all, has everyone got their drink and snack ready? Here I've got..."

Anna pointed out what food she prepared for her 'afternoon tea'.

"Okay, now, what has happened this month? Let's start with -"

The comments caught her eye.

"You want to hear about KCON? That was a surprise, wasn't it?! I hope I didn't embarrass myself."

You were awesome, Unnie!

We love you, Anna!

Can you sing for us, please?

"Aww, you guys are too sweet. I'm not Kookie, this isn't a karaoke show. Although I'm not opposed to it, perhaps he'll let me join next time."

Anna sang a couple of lines of one of her songs as requested.

"Um, what else can I tell you about KCON... I went for the show, I mean, to accompany ENHYPEN and help out. It was just a perk that I got to meet all the artists backstage. It was a lot of fun."

She took a minute to read through the comments.

"Music. What has everyone been listening to this month? I don't think I've listened to much new stuff. Umm..."

ATEEZ! Guerilla!

"Oh my! Of course. It hadn't come out the last time I did this, had it? Now. Wow. How can I describe Guerilla? Epic? I love it so much. Okay, I'll admit, at first I was a bit taken aback by the screamo aspect, but after a couple of listens I was hooked."

Anna took a deep breath as if she were going to shout something, but then changed her mind and laughed.

"Yeah, I'm not going to try singing it. What's your favourite song on the album? I love New World and Cyberpunk. Well, I love all of them, but those two in particular.

"Did I meet ATEEZ at KCON? Yes, I did and didn't they do an awesome job opening the show! Not that it's a surprise. Their performances are always on point."

"Apart from ATEEZ, a new song for me, but not a new release, is MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT by Elley Duhe. Now, hear me out, I'm not much of a TikTok person, I think I'm too old,"

Chapter Two (An Indescribable Feeling)Where stories live. Discover now