Badly Hidden

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"Oh my god. I think I'm going to be sick."

Hoseok and Jimin looked at each other in panic as the rapper rubbed Anna's back.

"We should've brought Tae and his calming influence."

"It's too late now. It's okay, Princess. You're going to be great."

"Why did they book such a big venue? I'm not ready for this!"

"Because you have lots of fans who want to see you. Don't you want to see them too?"

"Yes... But I don't want to disappoint them."

Jimin took her face in his hands and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"You won't."

Anna took some deep breaths.

"That's it. Are you feeling better?"

"A bit, but I think some cuddles would help."

The pout and puppy eyes weren't needed, she added them anyway.

"And who would we be to deny such a cutie."

Both of her soulmates pulled her into a hug, sandwiching her between them. Anna let herself relax. Jimin was right, she could do this. With her soulmates beside her, she could do anything.

Eventually, she reluctantly broke their hugging session.

"Okay. Let's start the show!"

This fan meeting was incomparable to the last time. The venue itself was very different. Before it was like a small theatre, this time it was an arena. It would be less personal, but more professional and concert-like.

Rehearsals had gone well, although she had been surprised at the scale of the production. It felt more suited to her soulmates, too big for just her alone.

Under the encouraging supervision of her soulmates, Anna had managed to practice in the days leading up to the fan meeting without exhausting herself. Not only had they been picking her up and taking her home at a reasonable hour, but they had also recruited the members of TXT and ENHYPEN to check on her during the day when they couldn't.

So during rehearsals, Anna had felt fairly confident, but once the fans had entered she decides to have a peek. The sight of the massive crowd had panicked her. Had she practised enough? What if she forgot a step or a lyric?

However, she had no reason to worry. She was fully prepared and her performances went off without any major mistakes. For her nonperformance segments, her soulmates had told her just to treat it as if she was doing her monthly Live.

Beforehand they had asked Anna's fans what they would like to see. One thing was that they wanted to see more of her art skills. When that was announced she groaned.

"I'm warning you now, I am no Jungkook."

The loud cheers she received were encouraging, but she breathed a sigh of relief when she finished that segment.

When it was time for her performance with Hoseok and Jimin, Anna was especially nervous.

"They're going to hate it. If they don't realise it's you two they'll go crazy saying how could I dance like that with other men. But if they do, they'll say I'm a bad influence on you! Maybe we should ski-"

Hoseok kissed her deeply, cutting her off.

"They're going to love it. You. Us. All of it. But yes, they probably will go crazy. In a good way!"

Jimin appeared over Hoseok's shoulder.

"It's our version of... What's that Stray Kids song you like?"

Chapter Two (An Indescribable Feeling)Where stories live. Discover now