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Taehyung gazes at his spouse, who has just woken up from the sleep, eyes fixated on the ceiling while remaining still. As always, his immediate action is to peruse his phone and check his schedule for today.

"I hope you don't have any commitments for today, seokjin. I have planned us a romantic outing?" Tae inquires, simultaneously folding the laundry he completed yesterday, attentively awaiting his partner's response.

"Today, I have arrangements with Namjoon, Tae, but do not worry. I am certain we will go on date next weekend," he hears his spouse retort, finally setting his phone aside and stretching in bed, the second act he performs after he is done checking his phone.

Taehyung's heart sinks slightly at the mention of his husband's plans with Namjoon, a close friend of his. He had been hoping for a day filled with just the two of them, a chance to finally spend quality time with each other and strengthen their bond. Even though he knows better than to let disappointment cloud his expression but except he chooses to let it show this time.

"I'm starting to think that you just don't care anymore, Jin. I feel like I'm constantly being pushed aside for work and other commitments, and for Gods sake, it's sunday today," Tae mutters with a pained expression.

"Can we please not do this right now, Tae? I have to go, and I don't want to leave on a bad note," Jin pleads, his voice tinged with frustration.

"Do you even hear yourself right now, Jin? You're always avoiding the real issues and pretending like everything's okay. I can't keep pretending," Tae shakes his head, feeling a wave of disappointment washing over him.

"Just tell me the truth, Jin. Are you meeting Namjoon or going in for an extra shift behind my back again? I deserve to know," Tae's voice wavers, a mix of hurt and anger evident in his tone, "Why can't we just have a normal conversation without skirting around the real problems? I'm tired of this, Jin. I need more from you," Tae's eyes plead for honesty as he waits for Jin's response.

" What kind of absurd question is this? Just tell me what you want to eat for breakfast so we can share a meal before I leave," He attempts to divert the conversation.

As he finishes folding the last piece of clothing, Taehyung places it neatly in the drawer, his mind already racing with all sorts of thoughts. He knows that all he needs right now is for seokjin to stay. He gets up, growing frustrated at seokjin, ignoring him, yet again.

"Just answer me, damn it! Why are you ignoring my question and this argument? Tell me your work or me? " Tae's voice boomed in their bedroom, causing Jin to flinch. It was the first time Tae had ever raised his voice at him. He knew very well that Jin despised being yelled at.

"Of course, my work! I took an oath when I became a doctor, can't you understand that? Quit whining like a child. Is that even a question, 'you or my work'?!" Jin retorted, reluctantly matching Tae's intensity.

"I work too, you know. I put in just as much effort, if not more, but unlike you, I don't prioritize my work over you. And you're well aware that I hate it when you call me a kid. I'm an adult too, and clearly, I'm doing a better job at adulting than you," Tae fired back.

"Please, Taehyung, let's stop this today. We both know we don't mean to hurt each other like this. I'll be back before you even realize it," Jin pleaded, stepping closer to Tae, holding his hands and bringing their bodies together, seeking comfort and trying to calm Taehyung down.

Taehyung, on the verge of a breakdown, couldn't bear it anymore. He couldn't understand why, but being with Jin was becoming more painful than ever. He'd rather not stay together any lomger. Exhausted, he constantly questioned their relationship. Jin's absence, his disregard for Taehyung's efforts, and occasionally belittling him for having an easier life took its toll. After a moment of silence, Taehyung finally speaks up.

"Jin, let's put an end to this. I'm tired of waiting for you every day. I won't hold you back anymore. You can do as you please. I shouldn't have to wait around for you to give me attention or make me a priority." Taehyung says, removing himself from his husband's embrace.

"Taehyung, no, stop. It doesn't work like that. Let's face everything together, or maybe I won't go at all. I had to leave for a -" Jin interrupts, trying to explain.

"I know how it works, Jin. We've been married for a year, and we fell in love a like ten years ago. Yet, you've never put me first. First, it was your studies, and now it's always your work. I'm sure you won't even notice that I'm gone. You hardly come around anymore." Taehyung's words carry a mix of sadness and frustration,

"Why did you agree to get married then?" Jin asks, annoyed by Taehyung's accusation.

" Because I anticipated that you'll change, Jin, and look at me, yet I was unable to gain your attention. I am holding a lot of negative emotions inside of me that I must get rid of before they ruin me before you ruin me. Your indifference is palpable; you have never once displayed any effort to mend our relationship. In hindsight, it was self-centered of me to propose to you. I owe you the biggest apology for complicating your career life and nothing more. Give me some time to sort out my thoughts. Once I make a decision regarding our future, I will share it with you, and you can tell me yours. We will see our where it goes then," Tae comments as he sorts through his belongings, preparing to leave the apartment.

" Taehyung, please stop. I can no longer hear your words. They are now causing me physical pain. Let's talk it out and solve this problem. I was unaware that i had driven you up the wall. You have never talked over about this problem with me," Jin asserts, gripping the cupboard door tightly, observing his husband as he packs his belongings.

Jin tightly holds onto Taehyung's arm, feeling his own weakness and inability to think clearly. "Is there ever a time when I can come and talk to you? It seems like you're always busy. But for now, I have to go. I'm leaving at this moment. Let's take some time apart. I'll message you when I'm ready to have a conversation," he says.

Desperate to save their relationship, Jin falls to his knees, clutching Taehyung's arm, "Please don't go, I'm sorry. We can fix this. You love me, and I love you," he pleads.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do it today," Taehyung responds, turning away and hurrying off, unable to bear the sight of Jin crying. It was a difficult decision that had to be made sooner or later.

From inside the apartment, he hears his husband shouting, "You said you were fine with my work ethic when we got married,"

"Come back, just listen to me once," Jin yells as loudly as he can, but the excruciating pain in his stomach prevents him from running after Taehyung. In that moment, he collapses to the ground.


A/N: I wrote this 2 years ago, re-uploading this after editing it. Also, it's a short story.

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