Hey guys🙂

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I know y'all probably opened this with either one of 3 reactions.

1: "I don't care what you have to say, where's the chapter?"

2: "I forgot this existed why is this in my library?"

3: "Where tf are you popping up from?"

Many of you may not know but I started this book when I was 15 years old. I didn't have a plan for it or any real thought process when writing either. I just wrote because it was fun and of course when life starts getting bad that's when it started gathering attention. Then I started getting some hate and my motivation fell apart from there so I just dropped it and never thought about it again.

I'm now twenty and looking back at all the sweet comments and the support from you guys warms my heart to no end and I appreciate the love you've guys shown to my very first characters; Riley and Elijah.

Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to finish or revamp the story due to how long it's been and me not wanting to offend or stereotype anybody apart of the lgbtq community much like myself. My writing has taken a different turn these last few years and I also no longer write this kind of content.

I deeply apologize to anybody who is still waiting for an update or any of the new people who have just discovered this book and are anticipating the next chapter. I had a lot written out but never got to edit them and they sat so long I'm assuming Wattpad deleted it.

I do have one more closing chapter which is basically just a time skip and a cute little scene to end the book off on a good note so if you guys want that I'll drop it tonight but if not that's fine as well, I appreciate the love anyways.

I'm not sure if I'll delete this account or not but if I do some of you might find me again by my writing style but who knows, I might just pick up again on this account and write here. I'm not sure, I just hate looking at all my sucky plots 😩.

You guys don't get how much I hate how I used to write 😭.

Either way, this story always had a somewhat happy ending. Riley and Elijah end up happy and thriving regardless of what happens and they raise a family together. I hope this gives a little bit of closure and explanation😅

I also have other social media if anybody wants to be mutuals! I need other fellow writers to bounce ideas off and get advice on certain subjects and so on.

The Other Side wouldn't have stayed up for more than a month without y'all and even though it sat because I'm literal trash and don't deserve oxygen, y'all still showed it love and some of you even messaged me with the sweetest messages, I'm just forever grateful.

I love you all~ Carmen.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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