Chapter 8

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*Flashback (3rd person p.o.v)*

"Mommy! Justin won't stop hitting me" Elijah whined as they pulled up to the dock where their boat awaits. Nothing fancy, it wasn't a yacht but it was perfect for the four of them.

"Justin, keep your hands to yourself or so help me god, I will turn this car right around!"

"Willow, boys will be boys, besides, Elijah needs to toughen up anyways" Their father spoke up from the passenger seat. Willow gave a playful growl as she glared at her partner.

"Really Tyler? He's five"

"I started training at four" Tyler pointed out.

"That explains a lot" She returned with a chuckle, as she climbed out of her car to unbuckle her youngest. Tyler scowled to himself, trying to figure out what she meant. It didn't click until everybody was already out of the car, and he was the only one left, staring at nothing.

"Wait if this is about the dishwasher incident, that wasn't my fault! Who the hell puts the start button on the side?!" He pouted when he caught up to his family. Willow shushed him, given that he just rudely interrupted their captain. Tyler muttered an apology and shut his mouth quickly from embarrassment.

After the introductions and the tour, the fun really began. Justin was the first to change into his swim trunks and lean over the side of the boat, watching the water as the boat slowly began to move.

Elijah clung to the side of his mother, as they floated further into the sea. He was filled with a mixture of excitement and fear. He always had that reaction when he was exposed to something new and different. The comforting touch of his mother was the only thing that could calm his nerves enough to join his brother in marveling at the beautiful ocean.

"Look Eli! It's a pufferfish!" Justin pointed out, in an attempt to distract his brother who looked like he was about to wet his pants.

"Are you gonna tell him that, that's a clownfish?" Tyler whispered to his wife. Willow nudged him in silent warning; to which he returned with a laugh.

"Believe it or not, this is the first time Justin's actually been nice to Elijah without you making him" Tyler said as he watched his sons bond over the sea animals.

"Maybe they're finally warming up to each other?"

"Finally" Willow repeated "Justin was by himself for four years, I thought he'd be happy to have someone to play with. Instead we got death threats and tantrums."

"Wonder who he got it from," Tyler said sarcastically. Willow raised a brow and turned to him so they were now face to face.

"Don't blame that on me, he got it from your side" She replied in mock offense. Tyler looked at her with complete adoration in his eyes. He went to say something back when the boat violently rocked to the side.

They quickly gripped the bars before turning to the children who were in the same position. Tyler growled and looked towards the top of the boat where the captain's quarter was.

"What the fuck was that?!" He questioned angrily. The captain fearfully shook his head and tried to explain.

"I'm not sure sir! I-I don't know what just happened" He said, whispering the last part more to himself.

"Justin, where did all the fishies go?" Elijah whined, tugging on his brother's hand. The boat shook once more, this time more forceful than the last. Justin and Elijah hit the floor, making them both cry out.

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