Chapter 16

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"Well, we're people"

"Uh huh, and what kind of people eat other people?" Tyler asked quizzically.

"Ever heard of Jeffrey Dahmer?"

"Oh yeah, I can totally see the resemblance" He sarcastically returned, making me look away to avoid laughing.

"You said it yourself, we're a family now, we have to trust each other" He added. I groaned and walked into the kitchen, returning a minute later with some water. I settled back into my seat and took a sip.

"Well, if you must know, we are....gonna let my mom take this one, Mom?"

"Oh you bastard child" She exclaimed. I gasped and placed my hands on my stomach.

"In front of the children? Shame on you!"

She rolled her eyes then cleared her throat and smoothed out her shirt. Her once red eyes, returned back to normal and were shifting back in forth, like she was scanning her brain for some type of excuse.

"Does anybody want snacks?" She tried, causing Elijah to perk up.

"Actually if I can get a BLT with-OW!" He yelped when Aiden kicked him. Nicky snorted and kicked him as well, clapping his hands in excitement.

"I like this, this is fun!"

"Boys" Willow spoke up "Settle down please and let Laura speak" She turned to my mom and slightly bowed in respect.

"Take your time"

"Thank you. We're merpeople by the way" She shrugged, just coming right out with it. Well that was easier than I thought.

"What? Like Mermaids?" Tyler's face was scrunched up in an almost comedic way as my mom explained what we are, what we ate, where we originated from, and so on. By the end of it, they seemed to have some type of understanding of it but Tyler still looked unconvinced.

"So how come I've never heard of your kind, except in movies and tv shows?"

"Well, Mers weren't as common as they are now, and even then, we conceal our origin for... security purposes" Dad winked. Mom rolled her eyes and clarified.

"It's not that mysterious Josh" She gestured to Tyler "It's just that Mer's were known for causing wars, especially with wolves so to avoid depopulation, we stayed hidden"

"I don't remember any wars..."

"Oh these wars happened centuries ago, nobody really remembers, save for the elders but even they don't talk about it"

"So we were problematic?" Nicky snorted. Instead of getting annoyed, Mom laughed with him and nodded.

"Pretty much haha"

"All of this makes my brain hurt-" Tyler muttered.

"Well school always did that to ya" Willow retorted, making Tyler pout.

"Not funny, but how do you remember all of this?"

"Well, the pod has a habit of slamming the same information in your head for weeks on end, I'd be surprised if anyone forgot" Santana grimaced, sliding her eyes over to me. I opened my mouth in disbelief.

"Hey now, you can't say that! I didn't forget, they just like, came out of nowhere! When I went in, there was no one there!" I defended. Dad got up and came over to me, patting my back in sympathy.

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