Chapter 11

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Elijah bounded down the porch steps and practically skipped towards me. He gave me a big kiss on the forehead as he hugged me tightly. I was confused at his happy behavior but didn't comment as people began spilling out of the house.

Nervousness immediately took over my body and I found myself subconsciously latching on to Elijah with a death grip.

"You'll be okay" He assured "If anybody makes you uncomfortable, we'll leave."

I nodded and took a deep breath. The first person to approach me was a man who stood at about 6'5 with icy blue eyes, sandy blonde hair, and a tribal tattoo across his face. His body was built like a wrestler's and he sported a long beard on his face. His arms were open and his mouth spread into a wide grin as he crushed me in his arms.

"Welcome to the family, my boy!" His baritone voice boomed. All the wind was knocked out of me and I think Elijah noticed because he snickered from being me.

"Riley, this is my dad, Tyler" He chuckled. Tyler finally let me go and ruffled my hair.

"You can call me Dad pup! And this lovely lady" He said dreamily while gesturing to the female approaching "Is my beautiful wife, Willow."

He was right about the beautiful part. She was about my height, with emerald green eyes and long brown hair that went well past her back. Her body was curvy and reminded me of Jennifer Lopez. As she got closer, I noticed a symbol tattooed on her upper arm; A star with a circle around it.

Something about her made me relax instantly. Her aura was calm and tranquil. I actually felt more comfortable meeting her than when I met Tyler.

She gave me a warm smile and pulled me into a hug. Her frame was small but she seemed stronger than she looked as she squeezed me tight.

"It's so good to finally meet you" She said sweetly. Her voice was light and airy like she was a fairy or something. She pulled back held me at arm's length, looking up and down before squinting.

"I hope my son has been treating you well, he is a little 'rough' around the edges" She said, winking my way. My face went beet red and I shot a glare towards Elijah. He held up both of his hands and mouthed 'I didn't tell her'

Shaking my head, I turned back towards his parents and smiled as they lead me back to the house. Upon entering, a camera was shoved in my face, making me stumble back.

"Macy, please tell me this is not another one of your vlogs!" Elijah said, annoyance laced in his voice. Curly brown hair and one green eye popped out from behind the camera.

"Quiet Eli; When you have three hundred and fifty thousand people to entertain, then you can talk. Until then, zip it! Now Riley" She said, turning her attention back towards me "What is it that attracted you towards my idiot, hothead brother?"

"Well, he punched me in the face the first day I met him." I shrugged, earning a laugh from her.

"HA! I like you, maybe we could film a video one day?" She said hopefully, clicking off the camera. Now that I'm getting a good look at her, she looks a lot like Elijah, except one of her eyes was milky white. Judging from the way it focused on me, I assumed she could still see out of it.

"Sure" I shrugged "Give me a date and time". She smirked and clicked the camera back on, resuming what she was doing before we walked in.

"Sorry about that, this youtube thing is just a phase, I hope," Tyler said as he rubbed his temples. Willow lightly slapped him and rolled her eyes.

"Oh Tyler please, if she likes to do it, let her. I didn't say anything when you gave my baby permission to ink his body up" She scolded, sauntering into the kitchen.

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