Chapter 1

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Tori's POV
I wake up to my alarm which causes my ears to ring since I'm barely awake. I slap the snooze button on the alarm and As soon as I have enough energy to get up I get dressed. This rarely happens because on summer days like these I sleep in and stay in my pajamas. But, this day is special, Today is the day I and Micheal hang out at my house, you probably think that's useless but Micheal Holden is my boyfriend, he is a Year 13 at Truham (We are both students at Truham now because Higgs got burnt down, long story..) He's a real person. A real sweet person. Fuck, I should stop talking about him. I put makeup on my eyebags, ignoring the fact that I had less than 4 hours of sleep last night thinking about him and today. I put on eyeliner and head downstairs seeing Charlie in the living room. "Morning, Victoria." Charlie looks away from the tv. I wave and trot my way over to the kitchen. Not too chirpy but Charles seems to notice. He turns his head to look at me "What's going on, Victoria? Why do you seem so chirpy today?" His sly smile makes me think he already knows but I still tell him.
"I'm seeing Micheal today."
"Is he your boyfriend ye-"
I cut him off before he finishes his sentence "no, we are not."
He nods and turns back to the tv. Maybe I said that too.. "Sorry. If I said that too harshly."
"Don't worry about it, Vic"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, The mighty Charles is sure"
This makes me laugh some how. "Yeah."

Micheal's POV
I wake up to my alarm, it is 10 in the morning, I get up and walk over to my wardrobe and pick out a few clothes, it is for a hangout with the amazing Tori Spring. She might be a sarcastic, rude person, but I still find comfort in her. I stroll into the bathroom to brush my teeth and put a small amount of skin cosmetics under my eyes. My eye bags are still recovering. I glare at myself in the mirror before walking back to my room to text Tori, tapping in words.

Micheal Holden (10:36 am)

Good morning, Tori. (even if you are awake.) I'll be at your house at 11:30, Yeah?

I wait at least a few minutes before she responds, she is a slow writer but I have patience.
Tori Spring (10:38 am)

  Yeah, cya there.

I smile at her text and get dressed.

Tori's POV
My leg starts bobbing up and down looking at the timer, counting down the minutes until Micheal comes here. 22... 21... 20... Its this weird thing i do. It's where i continuously look at the clock and count down the minutes until something exciting happens, this rarely ever happens but it does happen.
Micheal did text me earlier, he told me he would be here at 11:30 blah blah blah, Other stuff.

When it finally turns 11:30, I walk to the door and wait for him, which, surprisingly, he gets here 20 seconds after waiting at the door.
"Hey" I wave
"Hello, Tori"
"Well i said i'd get here at 11:30 so, here i am!"
I laugh and take him to my room.

Micheal's POV
I wait until 11:20 since a walk there is 10 minutes, I head out the door with a backpack on my back and as soon as I arrive I open the door and surprisingly its unlocked and Tori is there waiting for me. "Hey" she says while waving
"Hello, Tori"
She stares at me as soon as I finish my Hello. "Well I said I'd get here at 11:30 so, here I am!" Waving my hands for expression. Tori laughs, then, she raises her hand to grab my wrist and run upstairs to her room. I swear she has a beautiful laugh. As we reach her room, she closes the door and looks at me.
"So, Tori, d'you wanna do anything?"
"Could we do a TikTok?"
"You barely post on there."
"Thats not the point."
I nod "Yes, of course."
Tori grabs her phone and loads up TikTok. She taps the plus button on the bottom of the screen and loads up a filter. It says "Kiss here" as kiss marks teleport across her face. She moves her phone away from her face, making the filter disappear. "D'you
Know this trend?" I laugh and then nod. "Yes I do." I throw myself on her bed and she sits next to me, I flip around and sit up
"Are you gonna post it?"
"No, my brother follows me on here."
This makes me laugh for some reason "Alright"
I adjust my glasses and she starts recording, this song play's from her phone.. Valentine by Laufey.
The filters kiss marks scatter across her face and it lands on her cheek. She looks at me and I chuckle then kiss her cheek. And still, this makes me feel so flustered. She stops recording and slides her phone in my hands.

Tori's POV
I slide my phone in Micheals Hand, And he starts recording. See we are doing this trend on TikTok, where you use this one filter with your partner that slides kiss marks across your face until it decides on one and you kiss them on that part. Anyway. Kiss marks teleport across Micheal's face and it lands on his forehead. I smile and raise his hair from his forehand and kiss him there. I honestly don't know why I'm doing this, but i thought the trend was adorable. He gives me my phone back and I start recording, the kiss mark deciding its place to stay, then it lands on my lips. I become red, and Micheal holds my cheeks and kisses me. At this point we are both bloody red. I stop recording and put the video in drafts. Trust me, I have a lot of drafts.
I look at Micheal while shutting down my phone and putting my phone on my bed. I stare at him and he stares back, I shake myself out of the staring contest and so does
"I'm sorry, Tori"
"It's ok, Mike."
He stares at me again.. like I betrayed him.
I start feeling redness spread throughout my head
"Oh- I- Sorry- Was that-"
He cuts me off "No, I like the nickname 'Mike'"
I laugh and hug him, he hugs me back. I am now blushing. I love him. I love him so much. He's just sometimes very Perfect, Sweet, and Adoring. Most of my thoughts are Micheal, now. The rest, are definitely not self love.

Micheals POV
Tori called me "Mike" and i think that nickname is actually very cute. I run a hand through my hair and laugh then, somehow, I see a little purple under Tori's Eyes. Eye Bags. This is not good for Tori. Then I realize I put pajamas in my backpack incase of a change in mind for a sleepover. I don't know if Tori's parents are okay with this but i still ask.
She looks at me "Uh.. Yeah? What is it?"
"Is it okay.." I take a big breath in-between.
"If I can sleep over."
"Yeah. No. I don't know. My parents might not accept and you might sleep in a spare duvet and pillow but.. I.. I don't know. It's a maybe for now."
I nod "I understand" I start cupping her hand in my hands. "Your parents are pretty strict so I can see why. Try to see if you can. Yeah?"
"Yeah." She picks up her phone, slipping her hand away from mine to tap in words to form a sentence to send to her parents. Her face highlighted by the bright screen. Some of her bang strands brightened by the white screen. Then, while waiting for her parents to respond, her face forms this big, real smile.
"My parents said yes.. My parents said.. yes." She turned to look at me and turned off her phone, she put her phone on her bedside drawer then she started hugging me. "I hope this isn't a way of you making me have a normal sleeping pattern" This makes me laugh. "And what if it is?"
"I'll literally punch you."
I laugh again as Tori playfully punches me in the shoulder. "Ahhh, ohhh, I am being defeated by the wonderful Tori." She laughs as I say that sentence.

It's now 9 pm and there's a sleep mattress beside Tori's bed. I walk into the room with diet lemonade and my tea. I put the diet lemonade on the bedside desk and sit down in the spare duvet, putting the bottle right next to me, but not on the duvet.
I, then, see Charlie enter the room, he was expecting to see Tori but he only finds me. I don't know how I know. But I can read his face.
"Oh. Hey, Micheal."
"Hello, Charlie" I wave
"How are things with Nick?"
"Getting gayer you can say" he laughs and I laugh with him.
"Also, do you know where Tori is?"
I nod. "She's in the bathroom."
He waves a goodbye and I wave back. I zip my backpack open to find my phone. I scroll on tumblr, after a few posts, Tori comes back. Without her makeup under her eyes. Showing her dark eye bags.
"Are you okay, Tori? You seem a little drained ou-"
She interrupts me. "-Yes. I'm fine. I promise."
I look at her, concerned. But I don't wanna annoy her so I say "Ok."

Tori's POV
I get into my bed and get my laptop from underneath the bed. I look at my blog and think of something to post. But I can't think. I am too tired to think of something to post. I stare for a few seconds more then close my laptop out of frustration. I put my arm above my forehead and start crying, yes, because of frustration. This is probably a really silly thing to be angry about. But I'm angry for different reasons too. Then, I remember I have Micheal over. I wipe my tears and.
"Yes, Tori?"
Somehow, someway a hand moves over to Micheal's angle.
"I'm- Is- Are you sure?"
He takes my hand and gets on my bed
"Are you okay? Is everything okay?"
My voice starts sounding high pitched and wobbly as I start silently crying. "I feel like absolute shit.." He hugs me as I curl into his chest.
"I know. I know. Do you wanna talk about it?"
I shake my head. "I'm tired. I just wanna sleep." I feel him nod because now he is resting his chin on my head. "Goodnight" He says, I then fall asleep in his arms.

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