Chapter 4

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TW! Slight Aphobia, Sex talk, and a lot more!

December (One Day before Winter Break)

Tori's POV
I wake up to the sound of police sirens blaring outside my house. I wonder who's getting arrested.
It takes my whole body energy to sit up in my bed. I open up my phone to no notifications. I don't think anyone ever wants to talk to a selfish pessimist like me. I get up and get dressed into my uniform. I go to the bathroom and somehow a reflex tells me to lock the door. I look at myself. Wow. My face looks horrible. I wonder why Michael even likes me or, why anyone else likes me. I wish I didn't wake up today. I try to release myself from my web of thoughts and put on my makeup for school. Why do I even put on makeup anymore? I start tearing up but try to stop myself because I will mess up my makeup. I, then put on my clothes and look at myself in the mirror one more time. If being weird was a crime, I'd have many criminal records. I go downstairs and have a small breakfast. I hope Charlie is okay.
After I finish I get up and go on the bus because I'm too tired to walk or drive today. I sit by Charlie on the bus while he listens to music. I turn to look at Charlie.
"What are you listening to?" I tap him on the shoulder so I could get his attention. He looks at me.
"Just some music I guess." He awkwardly laughs.
"May I listen to some of it?"
"It's angsty music though"
"But you know I'm the angsty kid of this family don't you??"
He fake laughs to this, I don't know whether or not that it is a fake laugh, he pretty much covers up fake laughs good enough. "Yeah.."
He gives a pod and I insert it into my ear, It's just a mush-up of some angsty music. I don't know the artist but I like the music they produce. I sometimes like how me and Charlie are related. Like we both like angsty stuff. We both have history of mental health and most of all, we have boyfriends that our littlest brother, Oliver, Loves more than us. I don't understand how that happens but, that's something. The bus stops and this signalizes that we have arrived at Truham. This is our last day before Winter Break and thats when I could finally take a break on grades and assignments.
"I'll see you after school, Charles." I wave at him before we part ways at the entrance.
"Haha, yeah, see you after school." He waves back and we go to our classes.
I go to my Form class and don't even pay attention to everything. I wait until the second bell rings and we go over to our First Period, Mine is weirdly maths. I hate maths, its bitchy and the teacher is bitchy, not to mention they made multiple Year 7's cry. Like holy fucking shit, how piss-y do you have to be? Now, since this day is half day I skip the rest of my other periods and go straight home, my mum doesn't care anymore since i do it to much.
I arrive home and go straight to my bed. I hug one of my body sized pillow (yes, i have a body sized pillow) and start getting flashbacks from Solitaire. I start clenching my body sized pillow and wish Michael would leave earlier.
Then, I hear a ring coming from my phone, It's like I magically summoned Michael with a thought about him.
"Tor, I know you escaped school early so, I was wondering if you could come to the skating rink?" His breathy voices feels so much like home. I love his voice. Not trying to be romantic.
"Oh, uh, you escaped early too? Or did you just stay home." I mumbled, he could still hear this through the telepathic call.
"I stayed home because it was optional whether or not we could come over today."
"Oh." Now realizing that I could have stayed home today too. "Well, I'll come over quickly, okay? Maybe 5,, 10?"
"Alright!" He sounds excited, just like how he first met me. I hear a click and the call just ends right there. I think about Michaels voice and how sweet it is, how calm down it is when he calls me at 4 am to help me go to sleep. I remember that I need to get dressed out my uniform and actually get dressed. Since it's like -5°C out there, I definitely need multiple jackets instead of just a jumper. I put on 3 jackets then my favorite jacket on top because this jacket is very good quality. I then put on some sweatpants, maybe 2. I switch out my converse for boots and go on my way. I use my brothers Bike that he barely uses anymore and If I drive over there, its not really gonna be worth it.

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