Chapter 2

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Micheal's POV

I wake up in Tori's bed, and, of course shes gone. Probably down stairs. I really don't know how I didn't wake up from her getting up. I get my glasses and after a few minutes, I reach in my bag and get my phone. I type in my password and get onto tumblr, and of course, theres gonna be some romance shit and some self depreciating things on my for you. After a few more posts of really depressing shit, i put my phone away.
Then, Tori appears in the doorway. "Oh. Micheal. Yeah uh. Hi." She waves, still in her pajamas. I look at her. "Hello, Tori." I wave back, getting up from her bed.
"I.. kinda forgot you were here. Yeah, uh sorry."
I laugh "Its okay, Tori."
I walk closer to her "may I go down stairs?" She nods to this, moving out the doorway so I could go.
I walk downstairs to find Charlie on the couch and his leg bobbing up and down. I adjust my glasses and sit on the couch with him.
"Hello, Tori's Brother"
He waves, his leg still bobbing up and down, down and up. "Hi, Micheal"
"Sooo,,,how are you?"
"Im... okay." He starts fidgeting with his jumpers sleeves. Which the jumper is a little too big for him. I think its Nick's.
I pat him on the shoulder "Alright, thats good."
Tori walks down in new clothes and looks at me on the couch with Charlie beside me.
"Micheal, change your clothes"
I forgot I was in pajamas at this point. "Oh yeah yeah, Im gonna go get some new clothes at my house, yeah?"
Tori laughs for some reason, she mumbles something i cant quite hear. "Alright, come back up when you're done"

Tori's POV

Micheal leaves to go change into new clothes at his house, I know this because i see him move, move out my bed, out the door of my room and out the house door, slowly slamming the door behind him so he doesn't wake anyone up. For context, Oliver is still sleeping. I reach for one of the books on my floor, I barely even read, ever. This is very rare to happen in my life. But I'm waiting for him aren't I?
Charlie knocks on my bedroom door. I slam my book closed and put it back on my floor.
"Come in."
Charlie slithers in and closed the door behind him.
We stare at each-other for a little and then he shakes his head to get us out the staring contest.
"Victoria, I need help."
"What d'you need for me to help with.*
He sits on the edge of my bed and i sit up. God i forgot to close my curtains last night.
Yet the slight white and gray of the outside shines on my little brothers hair tips and a side of his face while he looks at my floor.
"How do I tell Nick that I'm sorry?"
"Sorry for what, Charles?"
He sighs. "We sort of argued last night in text at strangely 3am and he kinda sorta blocked me..."
I feel that same jolt of fear i always feel when something bad happens.
He gets the impression I'm scared. He opens his mouth a few times to say something and then he finally says something after.
"but we didn't break up or anything- i hope you don't get that impression.."
i nod "okay."
i think.
"go to him in person. Kinda like how he came here in person to tell you about what happened at harry's party."
"i don't think that would work.."
"Charlie, he blocked you right? So use real life connection! I mean, you guys are inseparable trust me. You know i caught you making out with him a few times before."
He laughs but also blushes to my comment. "Okay. Could you come with me? I know you got your divers license a few weeks ago."
I answer with out thinking about Micheal.. about how he would get back in the house- "yeah sure." Then i quickly remember Micheal. About how he has to come back. "Just let me text Michael real quick."
I text him this

Tori Spring (11:37 am)

Hey you dork. Im bringing Charlie over to Nick's so I'll leave the front door open for you, Yeah? Alright bye (xx)

I don't know why i put those two x's there for him. But he's different. He's special. He deserves those x's
I leave the door unlocked for Micheal and get in my car. Letting Charlie get in the front. I angrily drive to Nick's. I don't know why i'm angry but I'm sorta like Micheal, basically "angry all the time."
We arrive at Nick's and I drop him off there.
"Good luck, Charles."
"Thank you. Tori."
I drive away. I hope he knows where our house is from Nick's house. Im sure he does know. I've seen him walk from Nick's to here so. Im sure.

Micheal's POV

Tori texts me that she left her house door unlocked for me to enter because Charlie is going to Nick's. I mean at least she left her door unlocked. I walk to the front of her house then after strangely staring at it for a little i walk in.
I walk to Tori's room and sit on her bed. I lay on her bed then see that it starts drizzling. Drizzling to raining. Raining to raining heavily. Wow, we might have not had rain for a bloody month but holy shit.
As if I summoned her with a turn in her bed, facing the door. She appears, leaning on her door frame.
"Hi, Micheal."
I silently chuckle, i don't really know why. "Hello, Tor."
Tori closes the door and heads over to where I'm laying and kneels down to get to my level. She ruffles my hair a bit and i laugh at this. She somehow does too because how much my hair is messed up.
I move a little so Tori and get in her bed. She lays by me. As she lays by me she looks at me for approval before babbling on and on about her little interests, like books with her humor, writing, clothes, etc. I listen to every word she says. I stare at her.
With... Love?
Though I don't think Love exists. Right now, right here. I think Love might be real.
Wow. This is corny to say..
Tori pauses for a bit.
"Hey Micheal."
I listen to her voice. "Yes?"
"Do you... love... me?"
I know the answer to this. I always do. "Yes, I love you, Tor."
Victoria sits up and I sit up too.
"Its just. I feel like you don't."
I feel a jolt in my stomach... "why do you think that, Tori?"
"I don't know. I just..." she tears up. But she tries to keep her tears in.
"I just..." her voice starts to become wobbly.
"I just feel like everyone hates me, like why would anyone like someone like me?? I mean imagine liking someone thats so stupid and psychotic like me. Like who the hell befriends a soft pessimistic asshole like me? Why would anyone like that? Really? Like how? How the bloody hell would someone actually love me." She starts forming tears. The next thing i know she is hugging me and bawling properly towards my chest. I hug her back tightly. I don't know how to react but its not about me. Tori is unhappy and i need to be there for her.
She breaks our hug and i soften my grip. "Tori. I love you with the bottom of my heart. You are amazing, adoring, and lovable. All the quality's i love in a person." i put both my hands on her cheeks and wipe the tears away. Yet her eyes are still watery. "You. Are Victoria Spring. My favorite person. My comfort person. I love you, Tori. I love you very much. and i will never take those words back." She looks at me, slightly smiling. I kiss her forehead and caress her hair as she calms down in my arms. After she calms down. I ask her this:
"would you like to watch the rain?"
She looks at me. "Yes, i would like too."
I pull a chair by the window and let Tori choose between sitting in a chair or my lap. For some reason she chose my lap. I sit in the chair and Tori sits in my lap. I put my arms around her as I reach the radio and put it on a low volume so its sort of relaxing. Sparks by Coldplay silently plays from the speakers of the radio. Now, Victoria Spring has fallen asleep in my arms. I think the rain helped her sleep. I don't know. Either way, she seems so peaceful sleeping. Its sort of calming.

Tori's POV

I awake in my bed and see that Micheal is still watching the Rain. Micheal then notices me and waves. "Charlie came in your room. He wanted to tell you something so, go to his room. I'll wait here." I nod and get out of the bed. Maybe stretch a little then walk to Charlie's Room. I knock on the door.
"Come in"
I open his door and close it behind me
"What did you want to tell me? Also. How did it go with Nick?"
"Well, it went good with Nick, he was just a little angry and wanted some time. As soon as you dropped me off at Nick's, he actually spotted me and ran to me.. hugging me, too."
I nodded to every single detail he told me.
"Im glad that it went good." I smiled "i told you face to face contact is better than internet contact"
He laughs at it. "Alright go back to your room, I'll cya later"
I waved goodbye and he waved bye too.
I get back to my room, Micheal on my bed, sleeping. I laugh because he can't be here for another day but it's summer so I'll let him stay for a little longer.
I squiggle a little close to him and find me in his embrace. I chuckle softly at this then put myself by his chest. This is comforting. My bed always feels warm when he's in it. Wow.. this is corny.. whatever.

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