Chapter 3

654 13 3

TW: Mentions of ED and Other

October (They're in school this time)

Tori's POV
I really don't want to wake up now. Yet I'm forced too, i have school today,, for some weird reason. It's Halloween. I still want a day off to dread in my bed or to check my blog just to fall asleep again.I find the courage to get up because my phone is continuously screeching at me to wake up for school. I slap the snooze button and get up.I go to my wardrobe and get my uniform. Get dressed and go to the bathroom to change and to put on makeup. I look at myself in this mirror. I feel, this feeling, you know, where I just feel my stomach curling inside me. This is how i know today is gonna suck. Which, I don't know why or how this happens. I feel nervous today. Whatever happens, I hope it's not so bad.I walk downstairs to see Charlie and Mom talking.
I hear Mum's voice getting a little louder at Charlie."Honey. Just eat your breakfast, please." She slightly mumbled.
I can see her getting irritated, and I also feel myself get irritated by her. She literally never acknowledged herself that Charlie has an ED.
I can't quite hear him say this but i see his mouth make the works flow out "I... I.. just can't. I-I'm sorry.."
"Charles. Please f- Please eat" she raised her voice at him.
I want to step in but i don't. Charlie starts fidgeting with his jumper sleeves. Maybe it's Nick's jumper.
"I... I don't want... I don't want to-" Mum cuts him off.Mother grabs him by the wrist, not too hard though. "Just fucking eat! Holy shit. Is it that hard?" Charlie flinches to this. I want to stop mom. And be the hero. But I'm no hero. I'm never the "hero". Hero's are just fictional shit people want you to believe in so you can be one. Hero's are nothing but just a plain fucking lie.
Mom realizes what she's done and lets go of his wrist. "Just... just save that for later." She scoffs. I am now really moody now. Mom just doesn't understand. I finally walk to Charlie and sit by him."You're dressed already" He says. Staring at his food, not me."Yeah. My alarm made me do it." He makes a nervous laugh. "Yeah.." "Charles." I reach my hand over to his hand, in which he slightly twitches to this. "Are.. you okay?"His eyes widen and start to get watery, but he constantly blinks so he holds in his tears. "I'm....." I see him finding whether or not to tell me. I mean, it's completely find if he doesn't. I don't need to know everything about what he's feeling. "I'm fine. Don't worry about it, Victoria" I nod to this "I do worry. But you certainly don't need to tell me whatever is going on okay?" He nods to this too. I get up and forget to eat breakfast. "Cya, Charles. Happy Halloween." "Bye, Victoria. Don't forget to be Wednesday Addams again." I chuckle "I wont forget."

Michael's POV

I get to school by the bus. Its sort of windy during Autumn. I don't mind. Autumn Is my favorite season.I get to school then see Tori. "Tori!!" She spins round to find me by her locker and by her. "Hello." I feel concerned by her face. I think she had a bad morning. "Are..."
"Are, what?"
"Are you okay, Tori?" I take her by her shoulder.
She flinches to this. "I'm...""I'm.. Okay"
I nod. "Okay, Cya later, Yeah?"
I walk to class, this year Maths is my first class. It kinda sucks but its fine, I sometimes don't find maths boring. During maths I sometimes listen to songs while i do work, thats what makes it not boring. But i forgot my phone today so, yeah, kinda sucks. Well, It's okay, I don't need to listen to music all of maths class.I eventually get to maths and sit down on my desk. My leg starts moving up and down. Like Charlie. I don't know why I do this, I think its just a natural body reaction. I always think it's normal. God, I need to stop thinking about this and just do my work.

After school

Michael's POV
I get home from school and go to my bedroom. I suddenly flop onto my bed feeling drained out and a bit mad. I sit up and check my phone, Tori has been texting me for the last 3 minutes, shit, I remember now. I jolt up and change out of my school clothes. I don't remember what I got into but that doesn't matter. Then, I suddenly see her outside. I walk down to her.
"Hi, Tor" I Inhaled.
"Hey, Michael" She smiles, she barely does smile but she does it anyway.
I smile too. "Why are you here again?"
She stares at me for a bit then. "Come to my house, please?"
I think "I don't kno—"
"Fine, But. Is Oliver there? Because he is my best friend and I need my friend there for me" I added.
She chuckles "Yes, of course he is."
I hold her hand. "Then we must go now. I need to see one of my best friends or I will explode."
She nods and smiles at me. Or maybe not. But, like I'm the only one there with her so, I'm guessing? We get to her house and then I faintly see Oliver playing with his tractor in the living room. Oliver then notices me and runs up to me while saying "Michael!!!" He suddenly hugs me, I wonder how Oliver is related to Tori and Charlie. I guess he just got the happy genes. I laugh. "Mighty Oliver, Shall we go to the living room tractor?" He nods "Yes! We should!" I go with Oliver to the living room tractor. Nick and Charlie are already there. Tori catches up to us and sits down on the couch. I sit next to Oliver, which is on the carpet.
I slightly catch a glimpse of Tori smiling at me and Oliver. I don't think she was even smiling, I think it was my imagination but. Its whatever.
After a few hours of Me, Nick, Charlie, and Oliver playing on the living room tractor. Its time to go trick or treating. I think we should let Nick and Charlie Trick or Treat with Oliver while Me and Tori go to a random party we weren't invited to. I ask Tori this. She thinks and says yes. We tell the others and they're totally fine with it. Oliver hugs me before we go to a random part down the street. Surprisingly, there is a unguarded party so we go head on in. It's really crowded but I think Tori would be fine with it.
"May I ask for a dance, Tori?"
Tori laughs to this but realizes I was using sarcasm to ask her to actually dance with me while the song that plays in the back is some romance song while this is supposed to be a Halloween costume party. I think Tori is dressed up as Wednesday Addams while I dressed up as nothing.
"Yes. Of course. Michael."
We begin dancing while Come Inside My Heart by IV Of Spades plays in the back.

When the song ends, I find my arms round Tori's Waist and Tori's arms around my neck. She sarcastically sighs "why did I even agree to dancing with you."
"Well. You do like me, don't you."
"No, I of course don't like you." She ironically replied.
I laugh "I love you so much."
"I hate you too, Michael."
We kiss right then and there. I think it was a pretty bad time too but. It's something. I love her, she loves me. We love each other.

Tori's POV

Despite all the bad things that have happened today. I find myself dancing with Michael Holden. This is sort of weird to happen to me but I'm actually happy. I still feel a little bit empty from what happened in the morning but I think this will fill the emptiness. After the party, we leave, I wave goodbye and go to my house, reminding myself I still have school tomorrow. That sucks. Oh well, my fault for staying at a party until midnight. I go to sleep and hopefully I won't feel mentally drained in the morning. I dream about sitting in a subway with many people in it, eventually it gets to my stop and someone follows me, I try running faster and faster but the person behind just keeps following behind me. I wake up before the person catches me. It's 3 AM, I feel my eyes fill with tears, This kinda sucks. I start crying. Whatever that dream meant, It made me cry for some reason.

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