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Even though Wattpad got to it first, thank you guys so much for reading!

I've decided to write a little something special for you guys <3! Since a lot of Angst has gone onnn, I've decided to write a little thing! Sprolden on Valentines :)
As a little present for you guys! I hope you keep enjoying this story on forward and continuing with later chapters!
Small Q&A at the end even though none of you guys have asked me any questions LMAO.
Since last chapter was all Tori's POV, This lil special is all Michael's POV!

I wake up in my bed. Tossing around in it. Im still tired but I'm gonna get up anyway.
It's been a few days since Tori got discharged from the psychiatric hospital. I hope she's at least doing better. I pick up my phone and check the date. Its, Valentines Day? I forgot. I rush out of my bed and dress into a jumper and skinny jeans. I usually sleep in boxers so I don't really have to worry about changing them. Rushing my Vans on and run down to eat breakfast.
"Whatcha rushing for?" My mother asks as I grab an energy bar.
"Valentines day! Gotta go now!" My voice sounds breathy from all the rushing.
I finally grab my — my dads — keys to his car and rush out the door. I think my mum was gonna ask me who the lucky person was but Its none of her business. As I'm driving, I try not to speed up like a dummy. I arrive to a store and fish my pockets. These skinny jeans only have £4 but it's enough. I'm rushing for one reason and only one. Tori. We are gonna have a date at a coffee shop. It's not really gonna be that romantic, I just wanted to get her something. Like her favorite drink, diet lemonade. I walk over to the freezers and scan around for a diet lemonade. There's only one can left which is kinda weird but I grab the can and head over to the crowded register. There only being 2 or 3 open. After a few long minutes I finally reach the register. Not trying to engage conversation. Luckily the can was only three pounds. I purchase the can, say thank you and head back to my car. We agreed the date to be early so thats why I'm rushing.
I arrive at my car and shove the change in one of my pockets. Unlocking the car and turning it back on. Tori and her parents allowed her to be picked up by me but in agreement that I needed to clear my schedule to help her with school work she missed. I take a deep breathe and tell myself I need to stop panicking and take my time.
I merge onto the road and arrive at the Spring's residence. Just in time to see Tori opening the door. In her puffy jacket and puffy boots. It's still pretty cold of her so I don't blame her. Her hair is still as short as i've seen before. The hat atop her skull makes her look so mysterious.
"Michael!" She says as she budges the right door.
oh. I forgot it was locked.
I unlock the door and she opens the door to get into the passenger seat.
"Michael, I'm gonna lose it soon because of you." I think she intended this in an affectionate way.
I knew I was right when she chuckled after saying it. I turn on the car and drive on over to the coffee place. I forgot what it was called because I was memorizing the way there. We arrive and we walk into the coffee place. I remember the diet lemonade is still in my hands as we sit down. I sigh and hand it over to her. She smirks at me whilst I say:
"I just wanted to give you this — Because, well, It's valentines day. It's not really in a romantic way but if you want it to be romantic it can-"
I get cutoff by her as she takes off her hat, her hairs spikes up a little but its not what I got cutoff by. She raises a hand and grabs my cheeks. She kisses me for a few seconds and breaks us apart. Still holding my cheeks, she mumbles to me in this sweet way I never saw her mumble or talk like.
"Michael, Out of everything in the universe, theres nothing more cute and.." — she slightly shakes her hands to shake my head in a playful, lovable way. — "more outstanding than you. You're my boyfriend and I feel so lucky to have you."
"I remind you. You helped me. You prevented me. And you saved me in the greatest way I think a human being can." Tori adds.
Tori lets go of my cheeks and cracks open the lemonade. "What I just said might be corny and a little over the top but, You're lovable than anyone will ever be."
I grin, practically until my face hurts.
"Matter of fact" Tori says. She gets out these eyeglass chains. They have small pumpkins and crystal beads on them. "It's not much but thats all I could buy with £5 at a eyeglass accessory store."
I hunch over and hug her. "Thanks." I whisper into her ear and break the hug after squeezing her for 5 seconds.
A server comes over and since Tori already has a drink, I order tea, which they surprisingly have. Though they only have white and green tea. So i go with green tea. After a few hours of conversation and drink sipping. The time that our drinks are done was in the span of 2-3 hours because of how much we were talking about certain things. We had to ask for an extra dollar to pay for the bill they gave us. I put of the eyeglass chains after forgetting to do so and Tori throws away the diet lemonade can as we adventure out. We get into the car and go to her house. I park and we go inside. We go to her room and cuddle while we watch a few Disney movies I asked to watch. (She was the big spoon obviously.)
After watching the movies we played a game of Cards Against Humanity with Charlie and Nick. (Don't worry, Oli was going somewhere with Mr. and Mrs. Spring.) We laughed at the prompts and all, knowing that the game was a work of satire. At the end of the day. I had to leave at 7 PM. I get my keys out of one of my skinny jean pockets and get over to my car. I pause as I see Tori running to me.
"Wait!" She runs over to me and hugs me. Almost tipping me over but I manage to keep my balance.
"I loved today" she added.
I smile at the addition and kiss the top of her hair. "I loved today, too. I'll text you when I get home. Alright, Tor?"
She nods and we touch lips, softly.
"Goodbye, Tor. We can FaceTime when I get home, Alright?"
"Ok.. I love you so much."
"I love you so much more" we kiss again. When we break apart I wave bye to her and she waves bye to me. I get into my — my dads — car and sit down for a bit just thinking about how great today was. She seems so much better. Though I know she'll have to learn to live with multiple things but I know that flowers need support to live. And she's a flower that almost gotten rotten but with the support of many, she managed to thrive and live through the rotten parts of her Flower anatomy.

Q&A! :

Q: How long is this fanfic gonna go on?
A: Probably a few chapters, 10-13, or more! I don't know but I do know that even after finishing, I'll still write new stories for Sprolden, Narlie, and Etc! Even during this Story :)! But I sadly can't take any requests cuz I like writing freely and deciding what happens next in my story before they happen!

Q: Why is there so much more Angst?
A: I believe that Angst help my stories get interesting! A little spice builds emotion and eventually brings fluff and extra stuff like this here!

Q: When will the fluff come back?
A: Not saying when but eventually soon! Not soon-soon, but Soon!

Q: Are you gonna write things other than Osemanverse?
A: Maybe! I never really think about what comes next on my Special Interests and Hyperfixations. And many I have on are usually not fanfic material nor known enough. I will continue to make Osemanverse Fanfictions Including Alice's Stand-alone books, novella's and Heartstopper! But other than Osemanverse fanfics is a Maybe for now.

Q: Are you even gonna write smut?
A: Maybe yes. I am figuring out how to write smut and experiencing different tags and much more! But if I do, I will mostly I write Smut with Feelings. I'M NOT GONNA WRITE ANY DEAD DOVE NOR GRAPE (Remove the G). I really support others and victims of stuff like that. Not in ANY circumstance am I gonna write shit like that! (Also, NO SPROLDEN SMUT. Not that Asexuals cant have sex/sex drive, its just as an asexual myself, I don't like writing smut of other Asexual characters unless they're Demi-sexual or etc.)

Q: What if you do write smut?
A: Well, my title right now is just a Fluff/Angst Fanfic Writer. If I do, I ADVISE NO MINORS READ THEM! I cant stop any minor from reading them but please if you are disgusted with things like that, please do not read! I really want whats best for my readers and their safety! <3

Q: Can we be friends?
A: We could! I'd need to get to know you though :), tiktok is my ao3/wattpad user and my discord is absurdmaniac#0007 . My DM's are open for introductions and stuff! + questions go to my twt - absurdmaniac! All social's are absurdmaniac until said otherwise :).

Q: Why does it take you long to write chapters to "I Love You More Than Anything"?
A: Probably the same reason Alice Oseman doesn't deliver things quick. Personal things like writers block, art block, having no ideas, work, stuff like that! I really love my little community who love my Sprolden Fanfic! :)

Thanks for reading and enjoying my Fanfic! I swear there will be more fluffy chapters and fanfics I promise you all 🥲.

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