The Storm: Chapter One

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There was no concept of time.

Just the bitter coldness, the fear, and the knowing that I was trapped in a place that was both familiar and unrecognisable to myself. The sense of knowing I was where I should be, but knowing that I was in extreme danger.

The sensation was unbearable. It was as if I was being mentally torn apart by two different emotions that refused to worked together to aid my escape. They instead froze my body and let the fear take a grip of me. To allow the fear to settle deep within my bones and torment the very idea I was in danger.

For I wasn't alone.

A murky darkness circled around me. Taunting me. Laughing at me.

I remembered the feeling of dread settling within the pit of my stomach. The slow panic of knowing that I was ensnared within a trap that I could not escape from. The fear solidifying everything frozen with only my mind allowing itself to run free and cause havoc. The knowing that at any moment the murky darkness would reach out with its entrails and let itself take complete and utter control of everything in my body. Destroying the last remnants of my humanity and my conscience.

The murky darkness taunted me. All I could do was watch as the predator inched closer. It whipped, ducked and twirled as is circled closer. So close that it became harder to breathe as the never-ending time continued.

The murky darkness was patient. It could wait, but not forever.

The fear became too much and it willingly opened my body up, allowing for the murky darkness to take its opportunity.

And so it did, latching on to my very soul as it poured itself into my chest bringing the pain. The burning, searing pain. Pain that tore every nerve ending apart. Splintering them. Breaking them into millions of pieces. Tearing themselves apart again and again as if they could not decide if they wanted too whole or not. To die or to live.

Nothing could ever compare to that feeling of every inch of my body being continually torn apart and stitched back together again.

Nothing could compare as my voice was ripped away from inside me and shredded into a million pieces so that the darkness was allowed only to speak.

Time stretched on with no care. And on with no worries. And on with patience. Allowing for the eternity of pain to continue to pour throughout me. Ripping every last inch of humanity away.

But the pain did stop.

A flurry of white mist whistled past my ears and twirled in a spiral in front of me, flicking the ends of its tail in fury. It rushed towards me and dove in and out of my body, pulling out the murky darkness that was trying to attach itself to me and easing the burning pain.

For a moment, it looked like the murky darkness had accepted defeat as it retreated away from my body and back to where it once was. The white mist twirled and curled as it chased after it, flicking its tail as the murky darkness tried to returned.

A deadly dance ensued between them as one tried to best the other. The murky darkness and the mist twirled around each other, their tails stabbing each other as they twirled around each other. The bombardment of attacks quickening as the they spun themselves faster and faster.

The spinning transfixed me, calmed me even. The way that the two forces exploded into chaos just as fast as they whipped themselves back into a neat formation. Attacking with such ferocity and protecting themselves just as fiercely.

The dance did not last long. Soon the white mist completely lost control of itself and collapsed under the bombardment of attacks of the stronger murky darkness. With the last of its efforts, the white mist retreated into a tornado of smoke and whipped through me, ripping at my clothes and hair like shredded flags caught within a fatal storm.

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