The Storm: Chapter Five

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"Look what we have here my cherubs," the tallest of the trio said with a husky voice. A man, with a face far younger than it showed, matted afro hair, boils covering neck and torso, and an ear failing off.

"More food and a range of treats," cooed a woman beside him. Her olive-coloured fingers played with the hilt of a baseball bat that danced on the ground below. She flickered her eyes to me and smirked. Her lips parted slightly along with the edge of her cheeks.

"I wonder if different colours taste like different flavours," the final member of the trio giggled. She, a small woman with a black hole in her head where an eye once sat, wisps of thin fair hair and red burned hands. The Crank danced on the spot next to the other two, looking like she needed the toilet quite desperately. Her head titled a little to the right as if she was momentarily lost in thought. Probably was thinking about the eyes. What was with it with these Cranks and eyeballs?

The one-eyed giggled again and turned to her friends. "If I promise to clear up after this, please oh Eli will you let me have just one of the blue eyes. I will never ask of anything from you again."

"Clara, my sweet, shall we let little Daphne here have a little treat?" the earless Crank named Eli sung to Clara who now decided to inspect her nails. Or what was left of them.

"My dear, if Daphne promises to clear up then she may have a taste of one." Clara the Crank snatched up the baseball bat from the ground and twisted it in her palm. "But I want to taste them first."

Clara the Crank thrusted her bat in my direction. She took two steps forward and almost charged in my direction.

Up until this point, the unfortunate situation we had found ourselves in was only directed my way (and Lottie and Maggie's of course). For if they had inched any closer to the door way, they would have noticed Poe, Maya and Jamie pinned up against the wall hiding in the corner. Poe had tucked Jamie behind him, with Maya ahead looking like she was ready to take on Hell itself if they ever dared to take a step in here towards Maggie.

So, when Clara the Crank leapt my way well...

"Like hell you do!" Maya shouted as she sprung from her hiding place. Maya kicked out her foot and slammed into the Crank's outstretched arm. Clara the Crank was momentarily stunned from the surprise attack. She had not anticipated for there to more people. The baseball bat dropped from her hand and clattered to the ground, rolling away from her.

Maya wasted no time in the moment. She grabbed the injured arm of the Crank and yanked it down into a painful position, opening up the Crank's to allow for her to land an almighty punch square in the face. The Crank, now jolted back into reality, released a strangled scream in frustration. Her eyes lit up in a wild fury of madness and bloody spit drooled from the cracks of her cheeks down her neck.

"You're gonna pay for that," Clara the Crank snarled as she bared her teeth.

Her two friends behind her were at first stunned at the appearance of Maya. Their bodies frozen as they watched the scene unfold. However, it didn't take long for time to catch up and their movement to resume. I knew exactly what was going to happen, and I would not let Maya face it alone.

"Oh no you don't." I rushed ahead, snatched up the fallen baseball bat and charged toward the duo that were about to make their move.

With the bat now securely in her grasp, she swung over her shoulder and landed a direct hit to Eli the Crank. His head smashed into the side of the door frame with a loud crack. His body collapsed into a heap to the floor folding over in on itself like a book.

She didn't waste any time on her first victim, intent on ridding the other one before the Crank could get to Maya. She side-stepped over the body and charged straight for the one-eye Daphne with a red-filled rage. Again, she lifted the bat over the shoulder ready to strike the Crank when she got into position. She swung with all her might, a strength she had no known existed within her. The one-eyed Daphne dodged the first deadly swing, backing away from the war path. She hissed in rage as her target moved out of the way of the attack. She steadied herself and lifted the bat over her shoulder, determined this time to strike true. She swung the bat aiming straight for the head of the Crank.

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