The Labyrinth: Chapter Twelve

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"We gotta get back," Thomas wheezed as we turned another corner of the Maze. "Gotta get Alby off the wall."

The confusion on both of our faces hinted to Thomas for a further explanation. Apparently, he had hoisted the Leader from the ground and wrapped him in vines to keep the Grievers from finding him on the floor.

"Why is Alby wrapped in vines and not here?" I asked. There was something I had missed with my own drama and the Doors.

"He was stung when we went to see the Griever," Minho stated without anything further. "That's why we were so late coming back. Had to drag his sorry arse all trough the Maze. Then this shank here decided to join us when the Doors closed."

"Ah," I nodded. So that's why Thomas was in the Maze.

"And you?" Minho added, this time with less of the demanding part.

"I don't know how to explain it," I said. "One minute I was by the Kitchens, the next I was in the Maze and I couldn't move. Then I was being attacked by Beetle Blade's then chased by a Griever and then it was dead wrapped in loads of vines." Neither responded to me. "This is why I didn't want to say. You're thinking I'm crazy."

"No we don't," Thomas quickly added in. He glared over my head at Minho. "I don't think you're crazy. It's just ... there's something missing from that. People just don't randomly forget how they got somewhere. And a Griever are hard to kill, trust me."

I huffed. "I don't want to talk about it anymore."

"You're gonna have to at some point. So better get it all out now so you can get the story straight." Minho retorted.

I planted my good foot on the ground and refused to move any further. The boys noticed when they struggled to walk any further. Minho pursed his lips together and let go of me. He paced a few steps in front of us and rubbed his forehead. A loud sigh came from him. He placed his hands on his hips and slowly turned to face us again, and with an icy coldness "You are covered in blood, dirty and all scratched up. You have, what I assume, a broken ankle and somehow you are talking to us even though I know that you don't. There is something not quite right with you. Anyone who is ever entered the Maze has not survived. And yet here I am with two Greenie's who both did. I know everything about this damn place and yet even I could barely do it without his help. How were you able to as well like this?"

"I dunno, I don't know why I'm here," I stuttered. I pulled back from Minho, who was slowly creeping forward, and hide part of myself behind Thomas.

"You must know. Clearly you weren't meant to be here. They only send boys." Minho was dangerously close, to the point you could see the little indentations on his face from the anger. Thomas stepped in front of his and held his arm up as a warning. "I barely survived and here you are apparently proving that you can do a better job."

Minho shoved Thomas to the side and gripped both of my shoulders. The awkwardness of the moment sent hot pains up my leg. I winced in pain and attempted to free myself from him. I just had no strength left in me to do so.

"Get off her," Thomas growled. He approached Minho, but was shot away with a nasty glare.

"Are you a spy?" Minho demanded. "Are you here to kill us?"

I couldn't respond. I didn't know what to say. This was why they looked at me funny. They didn't know why I was here. Neither did I. Yet they barely believed that.

Thomas came from behind and yanked Minho free from my shoulders. I stumbled backward and landed on my leg. There was nothing for it, I cried out in pain and fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Hot tears fell from my eyes as the moment shocked me. Even with everything I edged away from Minho and cradled my tender ankle. A whimper escaped as I drew it closer.

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