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I feel so much better from that stupid hangover yesterday, I hop up to get my things and get in the shower. Engulfing myself in the steaming hot water, I hear the door open "It's me princess" "okay". I hear his pants unzip and I'm hoping me gets in the shower with me but instead I hear him pee "Jeez what do you have a waterfall in there" he chuckles. Sadly I hear his pants zip back up and I hear the door shut "awe" I say to myself disappointed. I wash my hair and do what I need to do then head to get my clothes out, luckily the boys are all in the front. I get something more comfier out because we're going to be on the road for a little while. I take out an AC/DC muscle shirt and a pair of black sweats, tying my hair in a messy bun.

The boys are in the living room playing Nintendo, and i'm in my bunk talking to Nicole about everything and every single detail just like she asked. "I'm about to practice okay so i'll call you back later alright" "okay bye love you girl" "love you too bye". I wanna attempt to call my parents but they'll just have something negative to say, which is why I moved out as soon as I could.

My parents could be great sometimes but most of the time their stuck up and expect me to be this perfect little darling and thats not who I am. I dial my moms number hoping she had nothing bad to say.


"Hi mom"

"Oh hey sweetie hows it going"

"Everything is actually going good y'know, I'm on tour with the band Metallica and they've been so good to me"

"oh..." she is judging me

"what is it".

"Oh nothing"

"Mom you're judging, what is it" I ask once again

"I just don't know, you know we don't want all that bad stuff to influence you, you're dads not gonna be too happy"

"Okay mom you sound ridiculous". I cannot believe the nerve of this woman "I was just playing live in front of thousands of people ma, I'm happy here",

"Yes and thats great but I don't want you around that foolish mess" what the hell. "You know you can never be happy for me can you?"

"no sweetie its not- "well then what is it like, because to me it's like you want me to be what you want me to be, i'm doing something I love and you're- you know what never mind, i'll call you back".

I hung up the phone throwing it on the bed "fuck" I say to myself. All I want is to be accepted for what I like, I feel my eyes start to water don't cry don't cry. I feel my throat burning from trying to hold in the tears, I give in and the tears start shedding shit.

I lay down hugging myself in fetal position under the covers facing the wall as I try to get warm. I lie there tears just falling down.

Kirks POV
"You know you can never be happy for me can you?" I hear Aspen going back in fourth with what I assume to be her mom. "well then what is it like, because to me it's like you want me to be what you want me to be, i'm doing something I love and you're- you know what never mind, i'll call you back".

I heard her voice whimper a little bit signing that she is about to cry. My heart broke seeing her like this. I wanted to go over and say something but she would probably want to be alone. No no, I hear her sniffle, I can't have her cry alone like that. I enter her bunk and she looks at me with her red and puffy eyes "come here" I say as I lie beside her.

She comes closer and starts to cry in my arms, I hate seeing her like this. I give her a small kiss on her head and we eventually both fall asleep.


A/N: A short chapter, buckle up though because yall are in for a ride 😏.

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