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WHEWW buckle up for this chapter ... and the next because this may be THE DIRTIEST one I ever made 🤣🤣😏😏😏.

8:00 am
I feel a warmth under my body, I look down and theres the beautiful ginger boy I've been hanging out with for the past 24 hours. I throw my arm on his torso, hugging his now shirtless body. I put one hand in his head massaging his almost orange locs, I nuzzle my face in his neck beginning to be more comfortable with him. He stirs a little and brings my body closer to his from the small of my back, he then gives me a kiss on my forehead then falls back asleep. So do I.

11:41 am
I wake up to a sleeping Dave, as always I wake up first, I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth, as i'm brushing, I hear footsteps come behind me and I look in the mirror to spot Dave again. He snakes his arms around my waist, making me get butterflies, we catch eyes in the mirror and he's eye fucking me. His hair looks so silly because its fluffed up. I bend down to spit in the sink and he brings his hands to my ass and squeezed it, I back my ass up purposely so it's touching his crotch area, he pulls me closer to him. "I like this position a lot" he says pulling me up by his hands on my neck and kissing it. He then walks away to brush his teeth in the other sink.

I finish my business then head to his beautifully designed kitchen to cook. "Dave what do you want for breakfast?" I yell upstairs to him I hear his feet shuffle down stairs "I'd rather have you for breakfast...but pancakes and bacon is fine" he says my heart stops.

He has got to stop teasing me like this, after kissing my temple he goes to get two glasses for our drinks. As the food is cooking I go over to him "Your hair looks so crazy" I say laughing at him, causing him to laugh back "Oh really. How about now" he says getting a piece and making a mustache with it. "Okay Dave Mustache" I say laughing. I head back over to the kitchen stove as I finish the food.

The food finishes and were both at the table eating our food, he drinks some orange juice and it shows up on his mustache. "Jesus Dave" I say laughing at him "What?" he asks cluelessly "What?" he also starts laughing because i'm dying laughing "Come on what?"

"Your mustache...is covered...in orange juice"

"Oh thats funny?" he says coming closer, he kisses my lips sloppily as I kiss back "Now you have some on your mustache too" I start laughing but I stop after I realize what he just said "Wait" he starts dying "That was so not funny!" I say laughing more with him. I chase him around the house but of course I can't catch up to him. He plops down on the couch and brings me down with him. I fall on him and his hands go to my waist and I blush a little "Ab you're so fucking adorable" he says kissing me nose. I hug his body and embrace him in my arms.

A week later
Its been a week of me spending the night with Dave, now its time for me to introduce him to my house. We head over to my house and Johnny's car is in my yard and my front door is unlocked jeez Johnny. 

"Johnny! Why is my door unlocked!" I say already knowing its him. He comes around the corner eating out of my favorite ice cream bucket "Jeez Johnny thats my favorite ice cream, and why is Gretta in here"

"Ou who's the new guy" he asks "Johnny, this is Dave Mustaine" his eyes instantly open "Holy shit, Kirk's gonna piss his pants!" he says laughing "Johnny." I say "Hm?"

"Out" I say pointing to the door "Fine, I was just leaving anyways" he doesn't even put my ice cream back up "And i'm taking the ice cream too". He goes out the door with his keys and jacket.

"Was that...Johnny Depp?"

"Yeah, you like him or something" I say joking "Haha very funny" "But why was he here" he asks casually "Oh we've just been good friends since we met at the viper room"

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