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The next morning

Kirk's POV
The paperboy drops by every day to leave the paper on the doorstep, I go outside to pick up the paper and I head back inside. I open the paper and I see a picture of Johnny with a girl, "My man" I flip the page but I stop. "Wait a fucking minute"

I flip the page back to see Aspen and Johnny ?! I read on 'Viper room owner Johnny Depp and Lead singer and guitarist of 'The Vipers' Aspen Blair spotted at the nightclub'
What the fuck, I literally feel my blood boiling. I head to the room where the boys and Diana are and I throw it on the table "Guys, what the fuck is this, Diana you were there, what is this."

"Hey i'm only the dress up guy" she says. "Shit Kirk, she replaced you quick" Lars said Laughing with Diana under his arms "Nothing's funny Lars"

"He's definitely hitting that, it's Johnny Depp, the man can get any girl anytime" James says. "I mean come on guys they might not have, It's Aspen" I said hoping she didn't. "And it's Johnny Depp, shit if I was a girl, I would definitely let Johnny boy hit" Lars stupidly says. "Aspen is the definition of horny, I mean she fucks girls for gods sake, now just imagine how it is with Johnny Depp man, just look at him".

"Can't debate with that one Kirk, It is Johnny Depp" Cliff says.


"I mean ... its John- "Johnny Depp I know!"

"You wish you never cheated now huh?" Diana says

"I always did, now I just feel worse"

"Oh ... well you should, because he's definitely hitting" she says walking away, probably going to call Aspen. I feel horrible.

Aspen POV

A day later I receive a call from Diana "Aspen Kirk is going batshit crazy right now" She says to me "I would ask why but I don't care" I say back to her "You're gonna wanna hear this, you and Johnny Depp are in the magazine from last night at the viper room" my eyes instantly fly open "What!" I exclaim "Yeah, to be honest, you guys could be an amazing couple"

"He thinks you guys had sex"

"Well ..." I said to her

"You did?! Called it, was it good?" she says trying to get all the deets, "Good? It was Great! Like amazing." I say "and I got the number"

"Holy fuck thats great, I could only imagine what thats like"

"It was everything"

Major time skip !!
June 1st 1992

Its the night of my performance and me and Johnny are at my house watching movies. Not to mention have a new house and it's pretty big now that I have some money. Johnny and I have been really good friends for a while ever since we met at the viper room, you know how that went down. Even though we have sex every blue moon, but hey thats what friends are for sometimes, Johnny sees me no more then a friend and I see him no more then a friend, we tried once to actually hit it off as more than friends but that didn't quite work out so were simply friends now.

The band has moved up to actual concerts and we get paid good money every show, we've gained popularity, especially with the help of Johnny. We get easy gigs at the Viper room because of him, and i've saw many stars including Leonardo(he was 21 during this, Aspen is 25), we definitely hit it off and I can tell you he is not little.

"I remember when shooting Elm Street, they made me wear a crop top and I fucking hated it" Johnny said

"I thought it looked hot" I say laughing to him

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