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I woke up on top of Diana with a massive hangover, ughh I wince at the slight stinging coming from my back and front, its just my tattoos, hmm where's Kirk. I wake up Diana "Jeez, I feel shi- what the fuck happened to your neck", "huh?" I went to the bathroom to check the mirror "Holy shit! That creepy dude from the bar remember"

"Ugh, that fucking pervert". I hop in the shower reminding myself to be easy on my tattoos. I put on an comfortable but cute outfit on today. A regular black half shirt, a black skirt to match and some necklaces that me and Diana got from the mall yesterday.

 A regular black half shirt, a black skirt to match and some necklaces that me and Diana got from the mall yesterday

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I put on some black high rise socks and combat boots. I put a little lip liner on and mascara after brushing my teeth and washing my face. I spray perfume on me happy from last night... but where's Kirk.

I notice that all of his things are gone, what could I have done? I start getting nervous so I head over to the phone and call Lars.

He picks up "Hello", "Hey Lars have you uh .. seen Kirk, his things are missing and he hasn't been back since yesterday".

"He's over here and about that Kirk wants you to leave, we know what you did and that shit was even low for you, I thought you were better than this",

"What are you talking about Lars" I start questioning

"Lars answer me"

"Just know that you really hurt him, you're just like the rest of those sluts" and he hangs the phone up and I feel my heart start to hurt, I don't know what to do I- whats going on.

I rush out the door my heart beating, me on the verge of tears "Hey whats wrong!" Diana says coming after me. I run to where Kirk was which was at Lars's, I bang on the door trying to get let in "Lars!" I say my voice starting to worry "Damn it Lars open the door" I say getting more nervous. "Kirk... Kirk baby open the door" I say "Open it please". I almost start crying, my head started to hurt.

"Aspen get the fuck away from the door" I hear Lars say, "What the fuck did I do" I say finally crying in the door "Please tell me what I did, please, Kirk don't leave me".

"I didn't do what you think I did, let me explain everything" I bang on the door. I hear a silence and a 'bitch' coming from the inside of the room by the door. You know what, I don't need this shit right now. "You know what...Fuck you Kirk! And fuck you Lars!"

"I don't fucking need any of this shit".

I'm pacing in front of the door with my hands tugging my hair, I go back to knocking on the door "Listen just tell me what I did" I say calming down trying to keep it together but my voice still cracking up. "You cant even fucking tell me you fucking pussies!" I say kicking the door.

"Aspen" I hear the door open and Kirk comes out, his eyes puffy like he had been crying. "Kirk" I say giving his a hug, he doesn't hug back, instead he pushed me off of him rather rough to where I stumble back a little. I look at him like he's crazy "What the fuck Kirk"

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