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I need some more excitement right now, maybe... a new tattoo, i'm in desperate need for a new one. Im obsessed. They boys are rehearsing and it just me and Diana right now in my room. "Hey Diana", "Yeah sweets". "I kinda want a new tattoo, you know a place?", "actually I do, he did mine a wile back when I was here" Diana shows me a rose going down her back "wow that's nice as fuck". "Well what are you waiting for sweets come on".

Me and Diana head to a tattoo shop that said 'Grand Ave tattoos', we walk inside and its not bad rather neat actually, It had a red leather couch in the far corner with tattoo pictures along the walls, most of the employees all tatted up... cool as fuck. "Danny!" Diana yells out, i'm guessing the name of the guy who did her tattoo, a tall rather handsome man with many tattoos and long ginger hair comes out in a battle jacket with leather pants. "Diana? Is that you, long time no see" he says giving her a hug, "Hey you're Kirk Hammett's girl right, the metal chick". "Indeed, i'm Aspen" I say laughing and giving a friendly smile, "I'm Danny, Dan for short" he says holding his hand out shaking mine.

"So what would you ladies want today", "Were here for just her". "Okay what would you like aspen, you can look around if you need inspiration" "Okay". I look around looking at all the cute tattoos but one catches my eye holy hell thats fucking sexy, but then that one is too. I hold both of the tattoos up trying to decide.

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I feel a presence behind me

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I feel a presence behind me. "Ahh stuck between the two, heres what i'll do, you can get both for a discount since you're here with my most loyal customer" he says in a playful manner. "We can also knock both of these out the way today depending on your pain tolerance". "Of course, I take pain well, thank you also" "No problem doll" He motions me to come in the back room and Diana holds a thumbs up to me.

We walk in and I go to lay down on the chair, I pull my shirt up just enough, he starts off with my upper stomach tattoo. He applies a cool gel then adds the sticker. He gets the tattoo gun and puts it in the ink at first when he started tattooing I couldn't feel it but maybe 30 minutes later I started feeling it. It's not too bad but definitely uncomfortable but I can bare it.

About 45 minutes later he was done with the tattoo and wiped it with alcohol "sss, holy shit". "I know i'm sorry, it's procedure though" I give him a chuckle. He hands puts the wrap over it and hands me a mirror "Shit thats nice Dan", "Yeah, Kirks gonna flip girly, now do you want to move on to the back now?", I blush from the mention of Kirk "uh yeah sure".

We finish the back tattoo and that shit actually hurt, whoever told you it doesn't hurt is a fucking heavy masochist or lying. That shit is different. We eventually got finished in maybe half an hour. We head back to the front and I pay Danny "Thanks Dan" "Anytime Aspen". Me and Diana get in the car and I show her my tattoos "Shit thats so hot, Kirks gonna die when he sees that" She says.

Me and Diana grab a bite to eat at a diner called Bennies. After that we head to the mall and tons of heads turned my way, them clearly knowing who I am. Someone came up to me and even asked for my autograph, some girl made me sign her butt, i'm totally not complaining though. I've never really been one to have thought of my sexuality, I just mess with both but mostly boys. Anyways someone asked for a picture and it was so cool.

Anyways me and Diana went on a shopping spree and it was so nice to have a girls day out. Diana is great. We head to a bar shortly after that and got totally wasted. We were dancing all night together having the best time of our lives. All of a sudden some dude came up to me trying to feel me up I tried to push him away but he grabbed my neck and wouldn't move I started to panic and out of nowhere Diana takes a glass and bashes hit on his head, he fell to the ground and I kicked his nuts. Me and Diana ran out laughing like hell, still drunk out of our minds.

We make it back to the hotel around 11pm stumbling in the lobby and in the elevator. "You know what Diana, I ... lllove you", "III lovee youu m-more Asp" we get really close and we give a quick kiss and another... andd another. We finally stop once we get to our floor we start laughing loud just to laugh, we get in the room and we collapse on the couch me laying on top of her. We cuddle falling asleep.

What the hell is happening

Shortly I hear a door burst open "Where have you been" I heard a voice say sternly.

Kirks POV
"And what the fuck has been going on" I say confused seeing her and Diana ... cuddling?? "I was looking for y- are you drunk right now". I see a red mark around her throat, my heart fucking dropped "Aspen. Where were you.", "Oh calm down we just went to see Danny" she slurs drunkly. "Wha- wh- who the fuck is Danny!"

"Mm Kirk go to sleepp". My blood is fucking boiling right now, I feel a pang in my chest, like a knife just struck my heart. No no no, she cheated on me? Am I not enough? I don't fucking understand.

I take all my shit and pound on Lars's door "dude let me in". "Dude what the fu- ah shit what happened" "I think... I think she cheated on me man" my voice wavering. Don't fucking cry Kirk. Don't do it. "Aw, cmon man, she wouldn't do that to you, she's probably just drunk and doesn't know what she's talking about", "It- I give myself a chance to breathe so I don't break down "It was a fucking ring around her neck man" I finally let it out and start to cry "Aw fuck man, come here" he grabs me and pulls me into a hug. I'm truly heartbroken, "Do a favor for me and tell her to leave tomorrow", "You don't even want a chance to hear her out bro?". "No bro, the shit is obvious, and her and Diana were totally fucking wasted bro, I mean she has a fucking mark on her neck, and Danny?? Its obvious" I say.

"I'm gonna crash" I say walking to the living room couch. I lay down thinking about all the things we did we said 'I love you's in such a short amount of time. The way she felt, her beautiful black hair, her tattoos, her eyes her body. Everything we did was...nothing, it was all nothing to her. Just like the rest of them. I hugged a pillow and began to cry like a little bitch.

She's just like the rest of them.


A/N: Well this took a bad turn ... continue for moreee things are about to get juicy.

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