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It's time for the performance and i'm getting help with my outfit and makeup by Diana.

"Here honey try this" she hands me a badass outfit, I put the outfit on and oh my lord.

I had to cut holes in the gloves though because how else would I be able to play my guitar

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I had to cut holes in the gloves though because how else would I be able to play my guitar. "Alright" Diana says "How are you and dreamy dave" she says wiggling her eyebrows "Oh were doing perfect" I say "The sex is amazing" I say walking towards the back with her, I'm facing her so I'm not looking wear i'm going. I feel a hard body hit mine "Oh shit i'm sorry" I say looking up ... I regret it and it's Kirk "Yeah" he says just standing there "Uh you gonna move so I can get through ?"

"Not until you talk to me" he says "What do you mean talk to you, i'm talking now" I look back and Diana literally left me with him "I mean about us, about everything" I'm taken aback because what 'us' is he talking about. "Okay Kirk there is no us, so cut the shit"

"But their is"

"No it's n-

He cuts me off by slamming his lips on mine, I instantly pull away and look at him because he had just list his mind. "I fucking knew it" I look over and my eyes already began to water.

"Baby it's not what it looks like" I say to Dave, he looks at me and shakes his head then walks the opposite way. I push Kirk, "You always find a way to keep me unhappy. Stay out of my life!" I run after Dave with tears coming out of my eye "Dave!"

"Dave baby!" I finally catch up to him "Dave I swear I didn't kiss back. He kissed me!" I say messing up my makeup from the tears flowing down my face. "Please you have to believe me!" I say really crying now, he wipes my face and kisses my forehead. "I do, I jus need a minute to think" he says going outside.
So thats it ? I start crying more "Fuck!" I say kicking the wall. I head back in and I try to fix my makeup but there was no use. Diana comes in the door "Hey hun I got- whats wrong?" I look at her with my makeup all smudged.

"Kirk kissed me and Dave saw it, now he claims that he has to think about things"

"I didn't even kiss back" I said breaking down, she holds me in her grasp and comforts me. "Oh its okay, he'll be back, and for that piece of shit Kirk, I have some words for him"

"But for now lets fix your makeup, right now, you're gonna go up on that stage and kick some ass"

"Damn right I am" I say still huffing and puffing.

Minutes go by and Metallica is already on the stage preforming. It's been like 30 minutes now its time for us to go up there. We step out on the stage and there had to be at least thousands and thousands of people out there. I mean this is crazy.

"Are yall ready!" I say, the crowd roars, but not to my liking. "I saidd are you fuckers ready!!" I say louder. And the crowd goes wild, full of screams.


I start playing the beginning of Nothing else Matters, but when I do, I instantly think of Dave and how things with Kirk happened. I feel guilty because I didn't even hate it. Its just the fact that Kirk doesn't know his boundaries. I play out the beginning of the song, I feel my eyes start to water as I struggle not to cry. My throat feeling heavy. The moment where I remembered when me and Dave first had sex after I played this song.

On tour| Kirk Hammett Where stories live. Discover now