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8 months later

February 23rd, 1994

Me and Kirk are getting ready to go out to eat and I wear a tight red dress that shows my belly. Out of nowhere my babies start Kicking.

"Kirk hurry come feel. Kayston and Alayia are kicking" he hurries to me and gets down low so he can reach my stomach. He starts talking to the babies as he feels on my stomach.

"Aw you guys want daddy don't you. I know, I need you two to hurry and get out of mommy so I can meet you guys" he said baby talking. He is going to be the best father ever, he already is the best husband. Everything I could ever ask-

My thoughts are disrupted as something starts dripping down my legs...oh oh. Kirk gets up and walks away to the living room.

"Ow....Ow!" I make sure that i'm not tripping "OW. KIRK!"

"You okay bab-

His eyes widen and he goes literally into husband mode "Oh shit" he runs to get the bags taking them down to the car, he comes back up and you can tell his mind is going everywhere. He gets the twins' car seats and goes outside to take those also to the car.

"FUCK! SHIT!" I yell out the contractions are hurting so bad its not even funny.

"KIRKK!" I yell for him, he comes running my way and he almost trips up.

"Its okay princess I got you" he then makes this freakishly weird guy squeal "My babies are coming".

This son of a bitch jinxed me.

He grabs all our things including our phones and stuff and he picks me up and gets me in the car safely. God he makes it look so easy. I should not be turned on right now but Kirk just does it to-

"AH SHITT!" I scream out throwing my head back into the seat.

Kirk gets inti the car and starts literally speeding to the hospital, and i'm literally just screaming all the way there.

"It's okay baby just breathe, try to relax yourself"


"Do the breathing exercises okay, the one we learned at the classes okay"

"Okay" I whimper out and I start the breathing exercises. Then the biggest contraction ever just shoots up my back.

"FUCKKK ITS NOT WORKING! Oh god please get these damn babies out of me"

At this point i'm sweating and Kirk is on the phone with my mom telling her to meet me at the hospital. I'm glad me and my mom reconciled our relationship. I think about how Kirk said relax myself. I think about how our life is going to be great with our new babies coming.

Life's great.

Life's great, thats all you have to remember. I do the exercises and keep thinking that life's great.

We get to the hospital and Kirk goes in to tell them in labor, and the doctors come out with a wheelchair.

Kirk has to park the car.

I make it in the room and they change me out of my clothes into a hospital gown. Two babies come out of me today, my god.

Another contraction hits me "FUCKING SHITT!"

"Ma'am do you want the epidural right now!"


I feel this big long ass shot goes in my back, goddamnit this shit hurts. Fuck. But after awhile I don't feel anything and I come to peace. Now i'm just mad I cant eat.

About 5 hours pass and the doctors check to see how many centimeters I am. I'm 10 cemeteries dilated and oh shit thats big.


They want me to start pushing, Kirk and my mom are right beside me, Kirk is above me holding my hand smiling like a giddy fool, but he's my giddy fool.

"Start pushing Mrs. Hammett" God I love it that they address me as that now. I push about 5 times and my baby Kayston slips right out, now its time for Alaiya, I hear my baby boy crying and I start crying. Kirk gives me a kiss to soothe me.

"Push" the doctor said and I push again, Alaiya was a little harder to get out it took maybe 8 pushes to get her out. She starts to cry also and I cry once again.

They bring both babies on my chest and I cant believe it.

"Oh my grand babies" my mom said

"Their beautiful right" I say "He has your nose Kirk" I say looking up to see him crying. Awe my baby.

I give him a kiss and he looks down at the twins. A while later he holds the babies and puts them in their beds for the nurse to take them.

"Kirk we did it baby"

"I know" he said "I love you so much Mrs. Hammett he said kissing my hand with the big diamond ring on it.

"I love you more Mr. Hammett" we kiss. Our story had just begun.

2 Years later

December 5th, 1996

"Kirk baby come on lets get the babies" I say after a long night of you know what. I put my robe on and he smacks my ass making me squeal.

We go in the twins' room and Kirk grabs Alaiya and I get Kayston, he's a mamas boy and Alaiya's a daddy girl.

As soon as we walk in the babies are already up. Jeez.

As soon as they see us they start to laugh, I grab my baby boy giving him a kiss. Kirk grabs Alaiya and smothers her in kisses causing her to do those baby squeals, I love it so much.

We start to feed the babies on their high chairs and they love their bananas, twins think alike I guess.

While they eat their puffs Kayston takes one of Laiya's puffs and she just smacks him across the head. Me and Kirk both start laughing before we break it up. They like to talk this baby gibberish to each other, it's almost like they actually know what their saying to each other.

Later on we sit the babies down and they just run around playing with their toys all day, me and Kirk lie on the couch watching the beauties we created and tv at the same time.

I lay my head in his lap and his feet rests on the table. I grab his arm hugging it as we watch.

"Look at what we made babe"

"I know. Look at us all happy with a family and shit"

"Not in front of the kids"

"Oh right, sorry babies" Kirk reaches his arms out and Laiya comes him his arms as Kayston comes to me and sits on my stomach.

"I love you Kirk"

"I love you too beautiful" he said kissing me.

We really did make it together. Through all this time.

I truly love him. Its like happily ever after, all because of a tour.



Thank you for tuning in to my book, I greatly appreciate it.

I want what Kirk and Aspen has, but anyways see you all again in the next book. Peace ✌🏽.

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