info ig idk

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Ok first of all I'm dyslexic so sorry if I make any mistakes point them out if you want idc just don't be mean abt it

This is my second time trying to post this, I took it down cause I didn't like it but personally think that I've gotten better at writing so I'm trying again.

Anywho Y/n is trans (ftm) and yeah cause there isn't a lot with trans readers and I get why cause the 80s and stuff but y'know.

Eddies gonna be 18 and so is Y/n. Also it'll be at the beginning of the year so yeah.

Another thing is that I'm gonna try to make it a bit more realistic, for example Y/n isn't gonna be on T or have a perfectly flat chest and stuff. Idk personally it helps me seeing things where everything's not perfect y'know

I think that's everything I hope you enjoy this story. If you have any requests for things to happen or anything pls do tell.

Okay bye have a day

Someone That I Used To Know || Eddie Munson x M!readerWhere stories live. Discover now