5. It's a Date

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(I honestly hate the rest of this chapter but whatever)

I sat up yawning as I rubbed my eyes the bright light blinded me momentarily before my eyes adjusted and I looked around.

I was in a room. Like a hospital room but worse somehow.

I looked down and saw I was in a hospital gown at least it was covered all the way around and didn't show my ass.

I slowly got up cautiously looking around the room was bare there was nothing except a bed and a little side table and a weird little teddy bear.

I reached up to run my hand through my hair but it was gone, my head had been shaved.

"What the hell is going on..?" I mumbled to myself.

I went to the door slowly opening it as I peaked out, I looked at the door, it had a little plaque with the number nine on it.

I glanced down at the 009 on my arm before leaving the room and walking through the halls.

"H-Hello?" I managed to say as I walked cautiously.


I jumped as a little kid appeared in front of me.. it was.. me, but when I was little.

"What..?" I mumbled confused.

"Run!" The kid yelled its voice sounding distorted.

I ran as fast as I could but there was no exit, no way out, every room was another hall I panicked as I ran faster the kids voice telling me to run getting louder and louder until I entered this room and it all stopped.

The room had a rainbow that wrapped around the walls and a mirror and it had toys and stuff.

And there was a kid.. well maybe more like a teenager.

He was laying on the floor his eyes were gone like they had been sucked into his head, blood running down from where they should be, his legs and arms snapped in directions inhumanly possible.

I glanced down at his arm it had the numbers 002.

"You did this."

I quickly turned around and looked up to see a pale man with dirty blonde hair and piercing blue eyes in an all white suit.

"W-What..?" I whispered.

"You did this to him Nine, you killed him." He said his voice getting lower and harsher, more distorted as he started to morph.

"Now it's your turn." He said fully morphing into this tall veiny creature. Really only his eyes recognizable as he reached his hand out to me-

I screamed loudly as I sat up kicking my blanket off almost falling off my bed as I woke up in cold sweat.

I looked around in a panic as I ran my hands through my hair and looked down at my clothes.

Someone That I Used To Know || Eddie Munson x M!readerWhere stories live. Discover now