6. Code Red

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♥︎Elevens pov♥︎

I woke up at about 5:36 in the morning and the lights that we had left turned on the night before in the basement started flashing. I slowly stood up confused and turned to Mike who was laying next to me in his own sleeping bag, I shook him awake, "Mike! Mike, wake up!" I whisper yelled.

"5 more minutes.." he grumbled rolling over.

I rolled my eyes and stood up the only other one that wasn't a heavy sleeper was Lucas, I went over to him and shook him, "Lucas.. Lucas wake up please.." I whispered.

luckily he woke up pretty quickly, "What's up?" he asked tiredly rubbing is eyes.

"Look, the lights." I told him. he seemed to catch on quickly as he looked over at the flickering lights. He seemed to have an idea as he quickly stood up and told me to follow him. He ran out the door and over to the house next door and kneeled down to the basement window.

"I knew it, its him.." he said.

I kneeled down next to him and looked in, Y/n, the boy I met earlier, was squirming around in his bed the lights in his room flickering also, after another minute or so he woke up screaming frantically looking around. That's when I was able to see his arm clearly. Lucas looked over at me seeming worried.

"Nine.." I mumbled.

♥︎Y/N'S POV♥︎

That same nightmare has been reoccurring these past few nights, it doesn't stop unless I go into the rainbow room and face what i apparently did, the weird guy says something different each time almost like hes controlling it..

I got up and got ready like usual today I didn't have work though so I really had nothing to get ready for. I grabbed my skateboard and went upstairs leaving a note in case anyone woke up before I got back I doubted it though.

I left out the door and just as I was about to put my headphones on Jane and Lucas ran up to me calling my name.

"How?" Jane asked.

"I'm sorry?" I asked confused.

"Your arm, and your powers. How did you get them?" She asked.

"Look I really don't know what you're-" I started saying before she cut me off seeming annoyed as she pulled her sleeve up showing a tattoo the same as mine except with 011.

I didn't know what to say. Did she know? Was she a screw up like me or what?

"Come with us and I can explain." She said softly.

I glanced between her and Lucas, he nodded, she seemed serious. I sighed and nodded, "Okay." I simply replied.

I followed them into Mike Wheeler's basement where sleeping bags laid on the floor the other four of their friends talking with each other, except the redhead i think her name was Max.

After El explained to them and whatever they started to tell me something about an alternate dimension and how El was from the lab to but escaped but lost her powers last summer after fighting the Mind Flayer? whatever that is. Also that Will, her brother, went missing into this dimension and what not.

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