2. dnd doesnt sound too bad

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A pillow smacked against my face.

"Ow.. what do you want I was having a good dream." I complained as I rolled over and threw the pillow back at Connor.

"Oh boohoo it's already 10 by the way, also I need a ride." He said.

"Why don't you just get your own car?" I groaned as I got up and grabbed my clothes going into the bathroom.

"Well that costs money, and I don't have a job."

"Well then get one."

"Okay I'll apply where you work." I vould hear the smirk on his face.

"Nope, anywhere else I already deal with you enough." I said, of course joking, but I needed a break once in awhile.

He chuckled, "I'll meet you outside." He said before leaving.

I finished getting ready after a few minutes and went upstairs.

"Hey mom." I said as I went in the kitchen and grabbed a poptart.

"Hey N/n(nickname). Oh remember you guys need to be back by 6, we're gonna have company later." She said looking at both of us.

"I'll see what I can do I have work." I said eating the poptart.

She sighed and shook her head, "Okay hunny at least try."

I nodded, "Alright see ya."

I went outside and started the car as Connor got in.

"So where do you wanna go?" I asked as I started driving.

"Um you know that one music store? They're hiring." He said.

"Oh okay." I nodded and drive him there since we still had time to spare before open house.

Once we got there he got out and went inside, I turned up the radio and tapped my fingers on the steering wheel.

He came out after about 20 minutes, "they said they'd call me of I got the job.' He said as he got in.

I nodded, "That's cool, now I won't have to give you rides everywhere." I joked as he shoved my shoulder.

"Well if you just let me borrow your car-"

"Absolutely not. You crashed your last car like 3 or 4 times." I said as I started driving.

"That's not that bad.." He mumbled

"You only had your car for a month!" I yelled

"Okay okay I get it I'm a terrible driver."

We just talked as I drove and after a minute we got there and I parked.

I got out and headed inside the school as my brother followed behind.

My brother was able to sign us both up since he was over 18 and to my luck he put my chosen name and that I was a boy so that was good.(were going to pretend that you can actually do that cause yeah.)

We were also told that we had to join a club so we went to the gym where different club stands were set up.

"Hey I'm gonna go sign up for basketball you good alone for a minute?" My brother asked. He was fairly tall so he liked basketball and was pretty good at it.

"Yeah I'll be fine." I said with a small smile

I watched Connor walk off before I started to look around.

Someone That I Used To Know || Eddie Munson x M!readerWhere stories live. Discover now