7. Happy Birthday

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It's been almost a since the kids and I tried to activate my powers again, no luck in the telekinesis thing and we haven't tried the void again.

But the nightmares stopped, after that one time when I tried using the void it hasn't happened again so that's good.

My dad hasn't talked to me that much after that, but my mom did get me signed up for therapy not that I thought it would help much but she's trying.

I woke up today and took a shower then put on [favorite outfit] happy for today.

I then rushed upstairs waiting to see everyone but when I got up there no one was there.

My smile dropped as I looked in every room knocking on my parents then my brothers.

None of them answered.

I went into the kitchen and leaned against the counter finally spotting a note and picking it up.

"Be back in a few days. Your dad had a business trip, here's some money, if you need us call this number (×××)×××-××××

Love, mom."

I sighed and grabbed the phone that hung on the wall and put in the number.

After a few rings someone finally picked up, "Hello?"

"Hey mom, it's me."

"Oh, hey honey! Sorry we left last minute and we didn't think you'd wanna come anyway." She said.

"Do you even remember what day it is?" I asked feeling hurt.

"Uh the [whatever day your birthday is], why?" She replied confused.

"Nevermind.. have fun." I muttered and hung up.

A few seconds later the phone rang.
I sighed as I picked it up, "L/n residents, how can I help you?"

"Hey, Y/n!" I heard Eddie on the other side.

I immediately smiled hearing his voice, "Hey, what's up?"

"Eh nothing much, just wanted to say happy birthday."

I smiled, happy that he actually remembered. I was about to respond before I remembered something.
"I was thinking, maybe we could go to lovers lake today? It turns out that I'm free."

I could practically hear the smile in his voice as he spoke, "Yeah of course! I'll be there in 15 to pick you up." And with that he hung up the phone.

I waited around until I heard a honk outside. I quickly got up and went outside after locking the door behind me. I went to Eddie's van and got in the passenger seat.

"Okay so first order of business, we are going to go get food, then to lovers lake, I would have set everything up before hand but y'know last minute." He explained smiling as he glanced over at me every now and then.

I smiled and nodded forgetting about this morning, happy that at least someone remembered, but most importantly that it was him.

He drove into town and parked in front of my favorite restaurant.

"No way. How did you know Eddie?" I asked smiling as I looked over at him.

"You told me remember? When you were talking about how shitty the places in your old town were." He replied as he took his seatbelt off.

I felt my whole body heat up hearing those words, I rambled on about a lot of things so I never expected anyone to be listening, but he did.

"Yeah.. I remember." I said giving him a soft smile.

He smiled and told me to wait before he got out and went inside, he came out a few minutes later with a couple boxes of food then got in the car and put them in the back seat with everything else that I wasn't allowed to see just yet.

He started driving to lovers lake as we sat in comfortable silence as he held my hand only letting go to move the clutch.

Soon enough we arrived and he got out, "Close your eyes and wait right here." He instructed.

I did as he said and closed my eyes and patiently sat in the car for what seemed like hours but in reality was only about 10 minutes if not less.

He opened my doors and helped me out as he put his hands over my eyes and led me over to where he needed me. "Okay, 3.. 2.. 1!" And with that he removed his hands from my eyes.

I opened my eyes and smiled as the little boat was set up with a blanket draped over the seat in the middle to make it like a table with a candle and the food he had gotten set up. I couldn't help but hug him as I felt like I was about to cry, "This is actually the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me."

He had his signature goofy smile on his face as he hugged me back, "I doubt that, come on the foods gonna get cold."

I let go as he held my hand and stepped into the boat with on foot letting me step in and sit down before he did using the rows to move the boat to the middle of the lake.

"No I'm being serious, no one else has ever liked me like you do.. my own family forgot about me.." I sadly smiled as I looked around.

I gave me a sad look before putting the rows down and holding my hand, "Well then you better get used to it, because as long as I'm alive I'm gonna spoil you rotten." He grinned kissing my hand like a prince.

I laughed and smiled, "Yeah okay.. I guess I believe you."

We ate our food staying out on the lake for a bit as we talked about random stuff. We came back onto land eventually spending practically the whole day together laying in the grass or messing around.

His hand rested on my thigh as his thumb rubbed circles onto it while he drove me back home and my head rested on his arm, "Thank you.. really I mean it, I had a great day."

"No need to thank me sweetheart, just glad you liked it." He said smiling as he glanced over at me.

"I love you.. like a lot.. have I told you that before?" I asked looking up at him.

He chuckled and shook his head, "No, you haven't.. but I love you too.."

((Sorry this is so short, I felt the need to get something out and 90% of this chapter was already sitting in my drafts so I just had to end it, I'll try to update this again either tomorrow or hopefully within the next week. And ofc mb for not updating for like actual months😭🙏

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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Someone That I Used To Know || Eddie Munson x M!readerWhere stories live. Discover now