1. Welcome back

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I tapped my finger on my leg to the beat of the song in my headphones as I looked out the window.

We were driving back to Hawkins Indiana cause for some reason my dad decided it was a good idea.

We lived there before when I was little til like 5th grade and still a girl- but then we left.

Now I'm gonna be a senior.

I remember a couple people but not much and I hope no one remembers me. Even though now I look totally different so I dont think it would matter.

"Honey are you okay?" My mom asked looking back at me.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her and nodded, "uh yeah fine. Sorry."

She nodded and sat forward again.

My brother was driving with me and my mom and my dad was in the car behind us.

We eventually got to our new house, it wasn't too bad. It had two bedrooms and a basement.

I got the basement, which I was completely fine with since it gave me more room.

My brother, Connor, pulled into the driveway and we all got out.

I opened the trunk and started to get my things out and carry them inside down to the basement.

It had carpet floor, and a window, also a smaller bathroom, I could work with it.

My dad helped me bring my bed and a couple other big things down once the moving truck arrived.

I found my skateboard and went upstairs and outside and saw my mom who was talking to who I assumed was a neighbor.

She had curly blonde hair and had two kids with her, one probably around my age and another younger probably in middle school.

My mom turned around to see me "oh honey come here." She said waving me over.

I sighed and walked over, "Hi, I'm Y/n." I said holding my hand out."

"D/n(deadname). Her name is D/n." My dad said as he walked by, he wasn't supportive at all my mom at least tried.

The woman awkwardly shook my hand, "Well it's great to meet you I'm Karen Wheeler, this is Mike, and this is Nancy. How old are you?" She asked.

"17." I replied (y/ns gonna turn 18 before they even get with Eddie so-)

"Oh great so is Nancy, I'm sure you guys will get along great." Ms. Wheeler said smiling.

"Yeah maybe." I mumbled looking over at Nancy then back at her. "It was great meeting you Ms. Wheeler, I do have to get going though." I said

I turned to my mom, "Um I gotta go find that one store." I told her.

My mom smiled and nodded, "Alright go ahead."

"Maybe Nancy could help you, she wouldn't mind. Right Nancy?" Ms. Wheeler asked looked back at her.

"Um yeah no problem, I'll go grab my bike." Nancy said.

I nodded then went over to the sidewalk and waited for her.

Once she got her bike we started to ride down the street.

"So where do you need to go?" She asked.

"Um family video I think it is." I said shrugging

She nodded and we kept going.
"So is your name Y/n or D/n?"

"Y/n." I simply replied.

She didn't say anything else until we got there.

I picked up my board and went inside, she came in behind me I went up to the counter where a girl with shorter hair was her name tag read Robin.

"Hi, I um called about a job like a week ago." I said "The guy said to come by whenever I get here.

She looked up at me "Oh you must be Y/n yeah Keith told me about you, um here is your uniform you'll start tomorrow at 1 in the afternoon." She explained smiling.

"Hey Nance." I heard a guy say as he came out of one of the shelves. "What are you doing here?"

"My mom asked me to bring her." Nancy said pointing at me.

'Ouch- her-' I smiled awkwardly and nodded, "I should get going, see you guys later." I said then went outside and left.

|with them|

"I thought he was a guy-" Robin said leaning over the counter.

Nancy shrugged "their dad said 'she' so I just assumed."

"I didn't know what they were-" Steve concluded.

||back with Y/n||

I stuffed my uniform in my bag then skated around for a bit then over the school.

"Still the same as before." I mumbled to myself. I saw that there was a paper on the door and went up to it to read it.

All it said was that open house was tomorrow and stuff.

I took a mental note then turned around to leave bug I almost bumped into someone.

He was a kinda tall and had longer curly hair, definitely a metal head.

"Sorry-" was all I could say before I took off.

When I got there I saw that my car had arrived. We had to have someone deliver it since my parents didn't trust me to drive it all the way over here.
It was a 1970 Volkswagen beetle that was pastel yellow(that's my dream car idk why if you want change it)

I went inside and they had almost everything unpacked already. "Hey honey can you call the pizza place the number is by the phone. Just get 2 large pepperoni." My mom said.

"Sure." I said then went over to the phone and called and ordered.
"They'll be here in 15." I let her know.

We ate dinner then went to our rooms, I got ready for bed and fell asleep with my music playing in the background, this place might not be that bad..

((Sorry if its bad I'm trying 🥲

Someone That I Used To Know || Eddie Munson x M!readerWhere stories live. Discover now