Chapter One-Nicole

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It's 6:30 on a Friday evening in June, and I am so ready to run out of this place. I've been here since 7:30 this morning and I'm still waiting on my last appointment. He should've been here already but he's late, as usual, and I never say anything to him about it. Now that I think about it, maybe today I'll mention his continuous lack of consideration for my time.

Twenty minutes later, Mario saunters into my office, in all of his Italian glory, wearing his custom-made Gucci suit, Armani shoes, and trademark scowl on his brow. This man is so ridiculously beautiful, he leaves me almost too stunned to speak, and I'm thinking, 'damn girl, you're not saying a thing.' I flash a big smile and reach to shake his hand. He gently takes mine and brings it to his lips, placing a soft kiss on my knuckles.


Ugh...he's so damn gorgeous, all 6 feet 4 inches of him. A slow and sexy smile spreads across his lips and I realize he's not releasing my hand. Tilting my head slightly, my eyebrows raise in question.

"When are you going to have dinner with me, Nicole?"

"Mario, we've been over this; you know I never mix business with pleasure." I quickly attempt to change the subject. "So let's talk about what's going on this time. What do you need?"

His beautiful face deadpans while he stares at me, for what seems like an eternity and softly says, "One day gorgeous, I hope you will give in to me so I can give you what YOU need."

Mario sighs as he takes a seat and starts to go into why he's actually here. But wait...let's back up. Can we talk about how the hell he knows I haven't had sex in 8 months? Does he know that? Does my face scream 8 months celibate? Eight months, 3 weeks, 4 days, 6 hours and 43 seconds, 44 seconds....

I digress.

Mario Moretti is just one of the many mafia families that I represent. The Moretti family is undoubtedly my biggest client so I always excuse tardiness and I'm pretty much available whenever they need me. My specialty is twisting the law to work in their favor and I come at a cost...a big one, but I'm worth it and they have no problems paying it.

Every member of my family has been or still is a prominent attorney for the state of New York, back to my great-grandfather, and then there's me. It's hard growing up around people who always do the "right thing" when you've always felt like their thing wasn't right for you. So yeah, being like the Harrisons is not at all what I do. My mom would have heart failure if she knew; my dad not so much. Sometimes I think he has a clue but he would never say anything. I've always been his favorite.

I've never been like them anyway. My mom, sister, and brother are tall and thin, and I'm curvaceous and short. My family wants to conquer the world and stand on the side of what's good. I on the other hand, want to conquer the world too, but I stand on the side of those who don't follow the world's rules. I'm just different from them, and honestly, I'm ok with that.

Closing the office door behind Mario, I kick off my pumps and flop in the waiting room chair. This week has been bananas and all I can think about is heading home to a bottle of Merlot, a nice warm bath, and some Netflix. I want a relaxing weekend of doing absolutely nothing.

My cell phone starts to ring on my desk and my first thought is to ignore it but change my mind. When I see who it is, I think I should've followed my first mind. best girl, my ride or die, my go-to for everything! Love her like a sister, but sometimes I just can't and today is one of those.

"Heeeeey girl, it's Fridaaaaaaay!" she's yelling at me. My eye roll is popping, but I do love her. Really I do.

"You know what that means?", Sydney. Without allowing me to get a word in, she continues, "Get your ass home, put on your hottest shit, and let's go. I need some drinks and attention from some hot men! This week has been a bitch girl, and I need some fun!"

She finally takes a breath and gives me a chance to say something, but as I open my mouth, she stops me before I start. "I'm not taking no for an answer Nicole. I know you're still missing that jerk, but you need to snap out of it, get out, and meet some new people and be reminded of how beautiful and sexy you are."

I sigh deeply. Sydney is right on all counts. I still miss Carter; he was Mr. Perfect in my eyes. Hell...I gave my V card up to him, but it's time for me to get my shit together and stop wallowing in sadness.

"Ok, ok. Let's do this! I know you already have a plan, but would you mind telling me what it is?"

She doesn't tell me much, other than she wants me to look sexy. I pack up my office and head to my car, laughing to myself. My girl Sydney is crazy, so I already know I'm in for a good time.

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