Chapter Four-Devin

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For some reason, I can't stop looking at her and it seems like the feeling is mutual. My eyes take a lazy slow drag from her pretty polished toes to her long legs and the nice curve of some pretty generous hips that I would love to get my hands on. My eyes get stuck at her chest though. Shit, am I drooling? Her tits are full, like I like them. Definitely more than a handful, and I've got some big hands! I move further up her smooth brown skin. Her braids are neatly piled on top of her head, exposing her neck and that beautiful face with luscious full lips, and chocolate brown eyes. Everything about this girl is pure perfection. My eyes glance back at her mouth, and I subconsciously lick my lips. Fuck, what was that? Did she just shiver? She's feeling me like that? Oh it's a done deal...I WILL get to know her.

Sydney does introductions. Her name is Nicole. It fits her. My new favorite name.

I pull my eyes back to the table, trying to put my focus back on the game, but my mind is staying with the beauty at the bar with Syd.

She's complaining about not being able to walk after doing some shots. Smiling to myself, I take that as my cue, pulling up behind her, I lean close to her ear. "I'll be more than happy to carry you if you can't walk." She slowly looks over her right shoulder, flashing pretty white teeth back at me. Fuck. Did my dick just twitch?

"I'll try to keep myself under control, but I'll keep that in mind. Thank you," her voice is soft. Sexy. Her eyes remain locked on mine.

"I'm just putting it out there. I'm here if you need me." I wink and walk away.

I head back to my game and see Prez giving me some side-eye. "What's up with you, Viper? You feeling Nic?"

"Man, I don't know what it is yet, but I like it. She's hot as shit!" I'm not sure how Prez is going to react to what I'm about to ask next but here goes. "Soooo, I know she's like your little sis and all but," I pause, "you ok if I make a move on that?"

Solomon stops his cup from reaching his mouth and turns his head to look me straight in my eyes. "Look, man, she's family so I look out for her, you know what I mean?" Then he gets a far off reminiscent look on his face and says, "I almost killed the last fucker that broke her heart." He shrugs, "If she hadn't stopped me, I probably would have. So, I said all that to say, you're my brother but I also know how you roll with women, so if you mess her up in any way, if she even cries one tear over your ass, I will fuck you up. She's not just a one-night screw I clear?"

"Yeah man, I got it, I got it. So, what happened with her last man?"

Prez shakes his head, "Not my story to tell, man. If you want to know, you ask her. If she wants you to know, she'll tell you. She's a sweet girl and fine as shit. I thought at one time, I wanted to make a move on that, but all I kept seeing was that little girl with ponytails, so I couldn't do it."

I nod my head in understanding, swig more of my beer, and glance over at her and Sydney. She's laughing at something Syd said to her. Her smile is contagious, and I feel myself smiling too. What the fuck? I shake my head and turn away but not before I catch Prez watching me with a smirk on his face.

I walk past him, "Fuck off, man. I'll be back."

Making my way back from the bathroom, I look Nicole's way and see one of our Prospects talking to her. Is she smiling and laughing at him? Wait, did she touch him on the arm? Oh, fuck no! She's mine. She doesn't know it yet, but she is, and she'll realize it soon enough. I try to make my way back to her, but I'm stopped by Sasha. Shit.

She grabs me around the waist, "Hey Viperrrr!" I hate the way she does that shit. Holds on to the R like it's her best friend. I roll my eyes. "What's up, Sasha?"

She tries to wrap her arms around my waist, but I stop her. She seems puzzled by my reaction. "I've been missing you, baby. How come you haven't called me?"

Yeah, I hit that a few times, but it was just to scratch an itch. I'm not trying to keep her around, but she won't take the hint. I'll admit she's good at scratching my itch, though, but right now, I have one goal in mind, and she's at the bar laughing it up with a Prospect.

"I've been swamped; you know, the club and work and all. I'll catch you later, Sasha." I never turn good pussy down and she knows that so she's even more perplexed now. I turn on my heel and walk away, leaving her with her mouth hanging open. It used to be good for me, you know, when her mouth was open but not right now.

Finally, I get back to Nicole, but the Prospect is still there. I walk up beside him, "Prospect, you need to clean some bikes, man." Prospects are guys trying to get into the MC so they'll do anything we tell them to. They don't have a choice.

He looks nervously at me. "But I did that already."

Sending him a glare, "Did you just question me?"

He looks like he's about to pee in his pants. "Shit no, ok, sorry, sorry!" He turns to my girl and says, "Sorry, I have to go. It was nice meeting you." Yep, I said my girl because she is.

Throwing a sweet smile his way, she says, "That's ok, maybe I'll see you around later.", beautiful, you will not.

Sydney lets out a loud, cackling laugh. "Damn Devin, you didn't have to push him away like that."

"Yep, I did, now...bye Syd" I give her the 'go away' hand brush off with a smile.

"Ok... Ok... I can take a hint. You ok, Nicole?"

She nods, "I'm good girl." Sydney walks off towards one of the other Prospects, her latest attraction. Of course, Prez won't be happy; Syd always has a thing for the Prospects.

Nicole turns to face me with that smile. Damn, she's making me feel things on the inside. Is this what nerves feel like? I can't believe I just said that. A woman making me nervous. What the fuck?

"Hey, beautiful."

"Hi, Devin."

I call Hawk over so we can get some drinks and hopefully head outside to talk in quiet.

"What do you want to drink?"

"I'll have a cosmopolitan, please."

"Hawk, a Cosmo and a Heineken." I turn back to Nicole and slowly roam my eyes over her entire face. "You want to head outside; it's a little quieter out there?"

She nods in agreement, so we pick up our drinks; I grab her hand and lead her out by the pool.

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