The Hotel

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Trigger waning: Child abuse and strong language

As we walk into the hotel room we both turn and face the bed. There's only one. Great. "You did this on purpose." I say. "Oh, what do you think i'm into you" he says back. "Just a little bit, just breathe dude. All I know is you're a hot mess", I tell him. "What is that supposed to mean?" He asked. "I don't know because a normal person would admit that they're scared." I say, I'm not scared," he says repeatedly like he tries to convince himself. Well, when you're ready to talk I'll be in the shower. As I'm showering I think about how I got to this point in my life.

Past Y/n

"Do you have to leave?" I say to my dad. "Y/n come here" he said to me. I go over and sit on his lap. "You have no idea how hard it is to leave you." 'I love you so much, I'll be back before you know it." He tells me until I fall asleep. I wake up and he's gone but I hear a noise coming from my parents bedroom. God I wish I could tell my younger self not to go in. Mom? I say walking into my parents room. "Oh Shit.''I heard my mom say as she was on top of another man. She grabs me and slaps me across the face. "What have I told you about coming in my room unannounced." "I sorry" I cried as she took me to my room. I fought and screamed but my dad was long gone. She grabbed a shoe and beat me until I looked like I fell down some stairs. Then she would get a knife or any with a sharp point and stick it into my stomach. She would call me fat or ugly and that hurt coming from your mother. "Go clean yourself up you fat bitch and you better not bleed on my carpet." She would say to me. Every single time my father would leave.

Back to reality

I completely zone out until I hear a knock on the bathroom door. I jump and wipe the tears I didn't know formed. "You ok y/n" I hear Luke say from behind the door. "Yeah I'll be out in a minute." I say my voice slightly cracking. I stepped out of the shower to see the now healed scar my mother gave me. I hold back the tears that want to come out as I dry my body and get dressed in my sleepwear all I could think about was my dad. I haven't visited his grave in two years. I hope he's not mad. It just hurt so bad when he died.

(You can change if you want) Sleepwear

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(You can change if you want) Sleepwear

I walk out and see Luke sitting on the bed. "How are you doing?" I ask him. "Fine" he says. "You know it's ok to be scared" I tell him. "I'm not scared, '' he says in an angry tone. No need to get all defensive. I was only trying to help. I tell him. What's his problem? As I walk back to the bathroom I hear him say. "Your right I-I am scared... just with Iraq and this marriage i'm just stressed." I walked over and sat next to him, grabbing his face so he could look at me. "You'd be absolutely crazy if you weren't" I tell him looking into his eyes to see myself.

"That is really brave to admit your feelings", I say. Look, we will get through this together. I stand up and walk to the bathroom. "Y/n" he says. I turn and make my way back over to him. He grabs my face and kisses me. The kiss was full of both of our emotions. My hands traveled to his neck. His hands travel down my back, making me gasp. "Is this okay?" he asks. Fuck I think I love this man.

Thank you guys so much for the support and love. The next chapter will be spicy see you then. Byeeeeeee.(701 words)

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