Chapter 16

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IM SO SORRY THIS IS SO SO SO FREAKING LATE IVE BEEN SO SO SO SO BUSY ITS NOT FUNNY :P I've started my new story, the prolouge is up and I really really want you guys to read it ! :D Okay, hope you like this chapter, its a little shocking at the start then you''ll be like, ahhh. xxoxo - Skye

*three days later*

------------Perri's POV-------------

"Jai?!" I scream., crying out to him searching franticaly through the house. '"JAI'' I scream louder, virtually in tears of fear. Things were blury and hazy. I didnt understand why. There was one room in the house that I hadnt checked yet, the one room I tried avoiding. I glance over at Jai and Luke's room, walking over to it quietly, taking small paced breaths. I open the door slowly and whisper to myself. '"Jai, I need you, please'" I cry opening the door fully. I look down and scream in horror, my heart freezes and I fall before him, nothing could prepare me for what I saw. '"Jai'" I cry, tears rolling down my face. I get the strenght to sit up and kneel infront of him, blood covering my hand, I shriek and hold him close, knowing that this was it. '"I told you I'd do anything'" A girls voice says echoing across the room. It was Tanitha. '"What have you done!" I yell looking around the room, trying to find her, holding Jai close, getting all my clothes bloody. '"Baby wake up'" I say kissing his forehead, tears rolling down my cheeks. '"Please please please'" I cry kissing it again. '"No one and I mean no one gets in the way of me and Jai'" Tanitha says, appearing infront of me and Jai, blood dripping from a knife. She killed him. '"YOU DIDNT HAVE TO KILL HIM YOU PHSYCO BITCH'" I cry, cring hard, wishing this nightmare was over. Just kill me already I think to myself. '"And now, if I cant have him, neither can you, so now I''m gonna kill you'" She says pointing the knife toward me. I scream as loud as I can holding onto Jai unil Im jolted by a touch on my shoulder.

I open my eyes and breathe heavily, calling for Jai, tearing up. '"Shhh'" He says pulling me close to him and stroking my hand.“Shhh” he says pulling me down and stroking my hand. “I thought you were dead Jai, she came and and..” I say starting to cry. “I know, I heard it all..” He says kissing my head.  I’ve been having these nightmares for 3 days now. It was just a dream …thank god, it was just a dream…

I was sitting on the couch, watching SpongeBob like I usually do in the afternoon. Lounging on the couch like a potato. Gina’s out at the warehouse again and I needed to get my mind off things. I hear footsteps coming toward me. Not just one pair, but it sounded like many. Jai, Luke and Beau stand in front of me, blocking my view of the TV. I knew exactly why they were here, but I didn’t wanna talk about it. “You guys are blocking my view” I say trying to look in between them, at the TV “Perri, we need to talk” Beau says sitting next to me. “About what?” I say, obviously knowing what. “About this morning” Luke says sitting on the floor in front of me. “And all the other mornings” Beau adds. “They both heard you Perri” Jai says sitting next to me cuddling up to me. “It was nothing, okay?” I say looking down at my hand, playing with my nails. “It scared us” Beau says looking me in the eye, in a way he’s never looked at me before, it showed fear and care.  “You kept saying ‘Tanitha stop, why did you do this’” Luke says scratching the back of his neck. “We want to know what she’s done to make you have these nightmares..or at least, why you’re having them..” Jai says. “Three days they’ve been going on Perri, that’s not normal bub..” Beau says taking a deep breath. “Its fine.” I say assuringly. “Don’t lie to me Perri Evans..” Jai says holding my hand.

But he was right. It wasn’t fine. Tanitha scared the shit out of me. Well, not exactly me, but what she threatened to do with Jai, and I didn’t want that. 3 days ago, I got a text from Tanitha, I don’t know HOW she got my number…But, she made a promise, that she’d do anything to get in the way of me and Jai, even if she had to hurt me. She just doesn’t like the idea of me being with him, or even happy.  She said:

“Hey, bitch. It’s Tanitha, got your number now, can do lots of things with it. I’ll make a deal with you, Break up with Jai, I won’t hurt you. Stay with him. I’ll make your life a living hell. Your choice. ;) xo ”

And the nightmare’s must be a part of it..and probably only the start of it. “I really don’t think that you want to know” I say tucking my phone in my pocket. “I think we do”  Luke says seriously. They weren’t messing around. They cared. I took a deep breath and prepared myself to “The way she looked at me when she saw me cuddling with Jai, the way she threatned me when she came in my room and-“  “Wait she threatned you!?” Luke says frowning angrily. “I…I told Jai” I say shyly. “Cock head why didn’t you tell us!” Beau says angrily at Jai. “I was going to dickhead!” Jai says holding my hand tight. “So wait, let me get this straight. When Tanitha said she was gonna apologize, she went in all sweet and innocent and then went all king kong on you when she was in there?” Luke says taking a deep breath. “Yeah pretty much” I say laughing. Luke smiles a bit. “But wait, why does she hate you?” Jai asks. “She doesn’t necessarily hate me, she’s jealous of you and me together..” I say awkwardly.

“Well, she’s the one that moved, she has to learn that I love you” Jai says kissing my head. “And you only” He says kissing my head again. I blush slightly and cuddle up to him again. Feeling instantly safe. “Get a room you two” Luke says groaning. “Grow up” I say smartly. “Shit head” He says laughing. “Dick” I say mumbling. “Oh you asked for it” Luke says starting to tickle me. I state laughing uncontrollably trying to wriggle away. But nothing helps. “LUKE YOU SHIT” I scream laughing. If anything it gets worse, Jai and Beau help Luke, to tickle me to death. But the thought of having fun, and family comes into my head, the thought of how this all started.. Just think, If I didn’t go to the bus stop that day, none of this would happen, and I would be homeless, cause Felicity is in WA. These three boys were just strangers to me only two weeks ago, and now I have two best friends and a boyfriend that have become family. My family. And a mum who cares about me, Gina. So being tickled made me happy, it made me feel important, and happy. Like I actually existed for once. Tanitha is just the least of my problems, I need to focus on my family and try forget about Tanitha… Best friends, brothers, boyfriend and a mum that cares. I really think I can call the Brooks household. Home. Tanitha is just a blip in my life, that we’ll all get over. Together.

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