Chapter 8

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Soooooooooooooorry it's taken so long to update! Had a few problems but its the holidays now, and Im ready to continue writing! Im actually meeting the boys again in January so if any of you want me to give you a shout out or something, message me! Hah okay, this is a pretty big chapter, enjoy! - Skye

--------------- Jai's POV-----------

"Alright Mr brooks!" The nurse says in a cheery tone, applying a bandaid to my arm. "The DNA results will take two to three weeks" She says putting a bandaid on Lucy and the babys arm. "Doctor Pzfer will call you when he knows some information about the results" She says putting the tests in a sealed bag. "Will we both be contacted or?" Lucy asks rocking the baby in her arms. "Yes, you will both be contacted and will have to return to the hospital when we have the results" She says standing infront of us with a smile. "Thanks" I say in a suttle and sharp tone glancing quickly over at Lucy and the baby. I walk down the hospital hallway where Aron said he'd pick me up. 'Jai, wait!" A voice calls to me. I turn around and see Lucy with the baby in her arms. I turn back around and start heading to the door. "PLEASE JUST LISTEN JAI" She yells causing a scene. I stop walking but dont turn around. Trying to control my anger I take a deep breath and continue walking to Arons car. "Hey Jai, you dont look too good, you okay?" Aron asks me. "Y..yeh mate Im fine" I reply resting my head on the seat.

 "Recon you can take me to Rigatonis? I have a date with Perri" I say. He nods his head as we make our way into Melbourne city. "So you have a thing for Perri" he says chuckling a bit. "Well, I dunno what she thinks of me, I like her but does she like me is the thing" I say looking over at him. I look at my phone to see that its 5:45 pm. Im pretty much right on time. Aron brings the car to a stop as I get out. "Cheers matey, we'll catch up soon" I say getting out of the car, scanning the restraunt for Perri. I finally see her and she looks so gorgeous.

----------------- Perris POV---------------

I sit at the table where I wait for Jai, constantly checking my phone. Suddenly I feel a pair of hands cover my eyes. I jump a little. "Gueeeeeess who" The voice says. I smile slightly and move the hands and turn around. "Jai!" I say standing up giving him a tight hug. "Hey gorgeous" He says wrapping his arms around my waist, bringing me closer. We let go of eachother, remembering we are in public, anyone can see us. We sit down as the waiter brings our menus. "So Luke came in my room earlier" I say flicking through the menu. "And?" Jai says in a confused tone. "He said you were getting back into 'bad habbits' or something, but I had no idea what he meant" I say looking straight at him. He looks at me for a few seconds. "I dunno what hes going on about.." He says stuttering a little. "Uh huh.." I say looking through the menu again.

 "I've missed you Perri" He says looking at me. I put the menu down and look at him. "Where were you today" I ask tapping my foot on the floor. 'Like I said..I was at Arons" He says firmly. "What, for 4 hours?" I say sniggering. "Well, yes" He says smirking. I smile at him and kick him under the table. "I've missed you soooo much Jai" I say as my heart races.  "I missed you too" He says smiling slightly. "I'm fucking starving" Jai says looking through the menu. Just then, the waiter comes back to our table. “Ready to order?” He asks. “Yes, I’ll have the Ravioli in garlic herb sauce” Jai replys. “Ummmm, I’ll have the Chicken and Pesto salad” I say with a smile on my face. “Oh and a bottle of water to share” I say remembering how thirsty I was. “Excellent Madam” The waiter says taking our menus. I look over at Jai and smile. “You know said…you..loved me..?” I say awkwardly. “Yeah?” Jai says in a very confused tone. “Well..I’ve been thinking, because over the past week, I was having little arguments with myself about if you liked me, because you were acting like you were, then you said you loved me and I figured that you liked me..but I dunno..” I say playing with my nails. “Who said I did?” Jai said with a smirk on his face. “Har har har” I say giggling slightly.

I feel that me and Jai have a really strong friendship, but I feel so embarrassed to tell him my feelings for him…. “H..hey Jai?” I ask. “Yeeeeshum” He replies.  I pause for a bit, taking a deep breath. “Pinky promise me that you’ll always be there for me.” I say looking straight in his gorgeous eyes. “Only if you promise to always be there for me” He replies holding out his pinky. I wrap mine around his and nod my head. “I promise” I say with a smile on my face. The food comes in what seems like 5 minuets,  but me and Jai were probably chatting. We eat our food and keep chatting. “Oh, we got some news about your mum” Jai says taking a mouthful. My heart stops. I look him straight in the eye. “What..” I say clenching my fist tight around the fork. “She’s not allowed to have you back, and legally now, Gina is your guardian.” He says putting his fork down. I let out a little smile, but at the same time I’m a bit mad.. “So, she’s not my guardian anymore..?” I ask.  “Nope” Jai replies. I take another mouthful slowly, taking in the words Jai just told me. “The cops said that all of your stuff will be sent over bit by bit, and this is your new foster home” Jai says with a smile on his face.  I smile slightly. We finnish our food and pay at the front counter.

 I make my way to the car when Jai grabs my arm and I turn around. “What?” I say biting my lip. “We’re not going home yet” He says smirking and pulling me along. I catch up to him and start walking next to him. “Where are we going?” I ask curiously. He doesn’t reply, he just keeps walking. I poke his cheek  and smirk. “JAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!” I yell. He looks at me and laughs.“Sh” He says smiling. I sigh and keep walking with him. Suddenly he pulls me into an ally way and pushes me against the wall. I jump a little and look at him as he pins me to the wall. “Jai what are you do-““Shhhh” He says putting his finger on my lips, cutting me off. My heart starts beating fast. What was going on? Jai takes his finger off my lips and looks at my lips. “Your so gorgeous….” He says biting his lip. Was he high or something? Or just sexually frustrated? Suddenly he plants his lips on mine softly, something I wasn’t expecting. He puts his hands on my lower waist and pulls me toward him. Letting go of the kiss would be stupid. His lips were so soft and he was so gentle. Our lips move in sync as he kisses me softly and slowly over and over. He kisses my neck softly as Iet out a little moan. I back away a little and look at him. He pulls me closer and puts his forehead on mine while he breathed on my lips. “I’ve wanted to ask you this for so long.. “ He whispers to me. “What” I say smiling. There is a bit of silence between us until he asks me.

“Be mine.” 

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