Chapter 1

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Hey!This is my first fan-fic so please read and tell me what you think! I will try and write a new chapeter as often as I can but sometimes might take longer than others! Enjoy! <3 - Skye


Perri's POV

Me and my best friend Felicity are going into the city today to spend some time together before she moves to Perth. Ive been looking forward to today. You see, we hardly ever spend time together, and today is perfect for it: Beautiful weather, in the best mood and we live in Melbourne. Ever since ive moved here ive felt so at home. Glenroy is where I want to live forever. There are a particular group of boys that live here in Glenroy. Im not obsessed but I would be pretty stoked if I met them...'The Janoskians'  Ive seen a few of their videos online, they're pretty funny if you ask me. Felicity finds them annoying but im sure if she met them she would be pretty stoked as-well.

"Felicity get up, the bus leaves in an hour" I say poking her stomach. I could see Felicity getting up but she didnt like it at all. I leave the room and start getting ready, to give her time to wake up. I put on my clothes for today and apply my makeup. Im wearing blue denim high waisted shorts, a mid-drift shirt and vans. She comes in the bathroom and starts to get ready as well. I start singing the Janoskians song Set this world on fire"so she leaves the bathroom I go back in my room to see Felicity and tell her to get up and get  ready to go.

'Did you really have to poke my stomach?' She says in a groany voice. I nod my head in response and laugh softly. I make my way to my mums room, I dont really want to say goodbye to, my mum and my dad have a really bad relationship. She doesnt care about me so I just spend my time at Felicity's or in my room. But when Felicity goes I dont know where I'll stay. I cant stay here for much longer...

'Mum...Im going' I say stuttering a bit. 'Bye' She replys in a nasty tone. I quickly leave her room and tell Felicty we're good to go. She is still putting her shoes on... "Cmon we'll be late!" I shout.  We leave the house and walk down to the bus stop. Shit. We missed the bus. Our plans have gone out the window! We start walking down Pascoe Vale road slowly..Im pissed.  I start kicking this rock along the road and Felicity starts texting...none of us are paying attention to whats in front of us when we feel hands grab us from behind. We let out a little scream before we hear voices.

"Are you girls crazy! You nearly got yourselves killed!" Says this husky deep voice.

I recognised that voice before. But I just cant quite grasp who's it is, I turn around to see none other than the Jai Brooks. My jaw drops a bit in shock that ive been saved by THE Jai Brooks. Im speechless. I have nothing to say as he looks in my eyes. I look next to him to see Luke and Beau standing with him.

"Well, say something?" Jai tells me. I take a deep breath and smile. "T..Thankyou Jai..I...I didnt expect ..the..." I didnt know what I was saying. He looks down at the ground and laughs Felicity is standing there gob smacked. I told you that she would. Beau holds out his hand for me to shake and laughs softly

"Hey Im Beau" He says in a cute voice. "Hey Beau, Im Perri, I love your guys videos" Jai looks at me and smiles.."You're a fan?" He asks in a cheery voice. I nod my head in reply and smile "Luke, Be a man. Say something" Jai tells Luke in a suttle voice. I blush hard and turn to Felicity. She isnt interested...she was shocked at first but now shes sitting on the edge of the road. I turn back to Jai where I see he had his eyes locked on me the whole time.

"Hi Perri, I'm Luke" He says and smiles cheekily. "Hey Luke...Oh god I cant even!" He looks down and blushes...pretty much just like his brother. '"Do you want autographs or something?" Beau asks me. I nod my head again. Im still absolutely shocked. I hold out my arm and give them a pen. Luke is the first one to sign it. He signs just near my elbow. Beau is next. He signs on my other arm. His hands are really soft. Then Jai looks at my arm and smiles, he starts writing numbers down on my arm 0...4... I look at him and raise my eyebrow. "Call me" he whispers. I blush so hard. He finishes signing my arm and I look back at them one more time ''I cant thank you enough for saving me" I say in a suttle tone."Its our pleasure" Beau says.

Ähem, Perri! We should get going now! I cant bear this heat" Felicitly tells me. I roll my eyes and look at the boys in an apologetic way.. Beau throws his arms around me ''BYEEE PERRIIIIIIII''Beau screams in a sarcastic tone. I laugh softly and look at Jai and Luke "Bye boys"I say in a cheery tone. Jai looks at me and mouths the words '"Call me" as he winks. I look at Felicity as the boys walk away and start dropping my jaw again.

"What" She says as she looks at me. "Felicity...I just got Jai Brooks's number..."


If you guys liked it please tell me <3 I will write a part two tomorrow! - Skye <3

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