Chapter 5

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Hey Guys! xx Its a day late! But anyway! I know you'll like it. Writing this made me a bit teary. Happy reading <3! Its alot longert than my other chapters! I wanna dedicate this to @liv_likeAjanosk on twitter <2 she is a dedicated reader and I love her!  :) xx Go and follow her!


I wake up to the sound of clattering in the kitchen. I rub my eyes and yawn. I lay in the bed for a while, trying to remember where I was...Oh yeah! Jai let me stay last night.  I look to my side where my phone is sitting on the side table. I grab it to check the time. Its seven thirty in the morning...great...I also see 4 missed calls and 5 text messages. They're all from my mum. I open the texts and bite my lip as the page loads.

Perri where are you!?

You're in serious trouble young lady!

Let me guess, youre at that bitch Felicity's place!

Answer your fucking phone you stubborn cow!

Youre in for a big surprise miss 

I lock my phone and throw it on the floor...absolutely traumatized by the texts that she sent me..Whats going to happen to me!? Am I even safe to go back there? I sit up on the bed trying to hold back more and more tears. My mother has seriously broken me. I look at the floor where I see my shorts, shirt and shoes. I look down at my chest to see me wearing a shirt that says 'Janoskians' on it. I smile and stand up. I open the door  as it creeks down the echoing hallway..The clattering in the kitchen continues as I walk out to see Gina making breakfast. ''Good morning gorgeous!'' She says. I smile and yawn ''Good morning Gina'' I reply. ''The boys are all sleeping and Im off to go plan the next bits of merch for the boys, you're welcome to stay as long as you like hun'' She tells me. To be honest. Gina is being more of a mother than mine is.

''Thanks Gina'' I say. I suddenly remeber the texts and look at her ''Hey...can I show you something?'' I ask her awkwardly. She smiles and nods her head ''Of course!'' She replys in a cheery tone. I go back into the room that I slept in and got my phone off the floor. I walk back out to Gina and hand her my phone/ ''What am I doing with this?'' She asks confused. Read the texts my mum is sending me. I tell her in a suttle tone. She opens the texts and drops her jaw as she reads them. She then looks at me and I start to tear up. She comes a bit closer to me and holds out my phone  ''I think its best, you dont go back there my love, stay here tonight'' She tells me. I look at her and drop a tear down my cheek. ''Oh and please hun, call me mum'' She says giving me a playful punch on the shoulder. Just like Jai. ''I...I cant thank you enough Gina..I honestly cant'' I say stuttering. ''Ýou can stay here as long as you need'' She says rushing to the door. ''Now, the boys are probably not doing ANYTHING today so I guess you guys have the house to yourselves!'' Gina tells me in a cheery tone. ''Just dont go to your mothers house please sweety'' She tells me quietly. I nod my head and smile ''Thankyou so much Gina...I meen Mum, have a good day'' I say smiling at her. She leaves the house and gets in the car to go. I shut the front door and go sit on the couch. I turn on the TV and start watching spongebob. I feel so at home.

I must have dozed of for an hour or so because I woke up to Beau sitting next to me on the couch. ''Hey chickaa'' He says looking over at me ''You do know, Im not a foot rest Beau'' I say laughing and getting up ''I know you're not..I choose to use you as one'' He says smirking. ''SLUUUUUTTTTSSSS GEEETTT UPPP'' He yells towards Luke and Jai's room. I laugh and go in the kitchen. ''Um, Beau..your mum said I can stay again tonight becuase, she read the texts my mum send me and well she kinda doesnt want me to go back there so uh...yeah'' I say awkwardly. Beau looks at me and smiles ''cool'' he says smirking. The little shit.

I look down the hall to see Jai  coming toward me running his fingers through his hair ''Mornin'' I say smiling.  He waves in reply and gives me a quick hug. I smile and  look at him. I gotta say that was pretty cute. He walks into the kitchen and I follow him, sitting on the bench. ''He pours himself a glass of milk and skulls it down.  ''I got texts from my mum this morning'' I tell him looking at the floor. ''What did they say..'' He asks in a serious tone. I hand him my phone and let him read the texts. He looks back at me and he looks rather ticked off. He kisses my forehead and I blush. ''Did you tell Gina?'' He asks me. I nod my head. ''She said she had to go into Melbourn to do some more merch stuff for you guys, she read them before she left and told me to stay here as long as I like'' I tell him holing back my tears. I feel him wrap his arms around me for a hug ''Ýo know you can stay here as long as you like, gorgeous..Im here for you, so is Beau and Luke'' He tells me breathing on my neck. This boy was absolutley irresistable. I hug him for a while until we let go. ''Thankyou Jai'' I say as he wipes my tears. He kisses my cheek lightly and smiles.

I get off the bench and look at Jai ''How am I going to get the stuff from my mums place?'' I ask Jai stands there and thinks for a moment. ''Beau you fat slut'' He says to Beau, he turns around and looks at Jai ''What'' he replys. ''Get in the car, we're getting Perris stuff from her place'' Jai tells Beau. Beau nods his head slowly and gets the keys to his car ''LUKE YOU FAT TARD. WE'LL BE BACK SOON'' He shouts.  I laugh as Jai escorts me to the car. Im not going to argue with them. I would only face my mother with someone I know would want to protect me, and that was Jai. I know that Beau wants too aswell, but I feel more attached to Jai. I get in the car with Jai and Beau and feel myself shake a bit. ''Dont be scared'' Jai tells me, trying to comfort me.  I nod my head and wait for Beau to get to my place. I get out of the car with Jai and breath heavily. He puts his hands on my shoulders and stands infront of me. ''Breath Perri'' He tells me. I start breathing slower and walk to the front door, Jai close by me. I knock on the door and wait for my mother to open it. When she does, a look of anger comes upon her face. She clenches her fist to punch me, I let out a scream. ''MUM NO'' I yell..

Jai's POV

''NO MUM'' she yells as I see her mother about to throw a punch at her. I push her back and stand infront of her to protect her. ''Fuck off''  the tall lady tells me ''No you, stop treating Perri like fucking shit'' I tell her. I hear Beau get out of the car and hug Perri tight. ''Shhhhh its okay'' He tells her. ''Beau look after her'' I tell Beau. He nods his head and keeps hugging Perri. I go inside her house and find her room. ''GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE YOU GRONK'' The tall lady tells me. She is the least of my worries right now, Im scared for Perris safety. I run in her room and grab some of her clother, ignoring everything she tells me. ''YOU LEAVE MY DAUGHERS STUFF ALONE'' She tells me. I loose it. ''IF YOU SERIOUSLY CARED ABOUT YOUR DAUGHER, SHE WOULDNT BE AT MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW'' I tell the Lady. She walks out of the room and goes outside. I quickly grab as much of her stuff as I can and run to Beau's car. I shut the boot and walk up to Perri's mother. ''You should be ASHAMED to call yourself a mother'' I tell her before I walk away.

I hold Perri in my arms and let Beau start the car. She crys a bit before she walks to the car.  I sit in the back with her and hold her close as she crys ''Shhhh'' I say trying to comfort her. Beau drives off and starts swearing. She keeps crying and I kiss her head. She is so gorgeous. I just want her to be okay...she doesnt deserve to be treated like this....There is no way Im letting her back at her mothers house. I need to protect her...I need to keep her safe..I keep kissing her head as she cuddles up to me. Im so worried about her...The sound of her crying makes me want to tear up and cry. We arrive back home and I help her out of the car ''Beau, bring her stuff in'' I tell him sternly. I open the door and take her to her room. Luke was on the couch when he noticed something was wrong..he goes outside to Beau and they start yelling. I sit her on the bed and kiss her head. ''Im so sorry Perri'' I tell her. She looks at me and drops a tear down her cheek. I wipe it away and sit on the bed with her to comfort her. ''Its going to be okay'' I tell her trying to calm her down.

I hear Beau and Luke outside getting the stuff out of the car. I wrap my arm around her as she cuddles up to me ''Keep me safe Jai'' She tells me holding her tears back. ''I will, I always wil'' I tell her. Having her in my arms is the best feeling Ive had in a long time. She makes me feel so happy...I care about her so much already.

I love her.

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