Chapter 4

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I stood there for a while, didn't know what to whole body was numb. I look up at Jai to see him staring at me, Beau is standing there laughing a bit. I look at him for a bit until he waves his hand in my face.  ''Hellooooooooo Perriiiiiiii'' He says in a sarcastic tone. I snap out of my daydream. ''Yes..Wha..Huh..?'' I reply stuttering a bit.  He smiles and repeats himself. '''' I smile and nod my head slightly... ''Took you a while babe'' Beau says in a sarcastic voice. ''Shut up slut'' Jai says to Beau. I laugh slightly and smile. ''Are you sure I can stay, Its just-'' I get cut off by Jai putting his finger on my lips. ''Shhhh'' He says. ''What a flirt''  Beau says whistling . Jai and me blush and start walking. ''So are we going straight to your place or..?''  I ask ''Nah we gotta get milk for Mum'' Says Jai. I nod my head in response. We walk in silence for a bit until Beau had to break the silence.

''So your from Melbourne babe?'' He asks. I shake my head and bite my lip ''Nahh Im from the Gold Coast'' I reply. I see Jai smile out the corner of my eye ''Queensland girl huh?'' He asks. ''Yupp'' I reply.  We get to the shops after a few minuets and Beau goes in to get the milk, leaving me and Jai outside. ''You look really pretty'' He says looking at me and smiling. ''Thanks hansom'' I say back and wink. We both look at eachother as Beau comes out of the shops with the milk. He raises his eyebrows and shrugs his shoulders ''Okaaaaaay'' He says. ''Lets get this slut home'' Beau says smirking at Jai. They start play punching each other and I cant help but laugh. It starts getting rather dark so we head to the boys place. ''Thankyou so much boys...I dont know If I can go back to mums after this'' I say holing back my tears. ''My pleasure'' Jai says giving me a friendly punch on the arm

. I continue to walk with the boys as we get closer to their place. Beau breaks the silence by screaming out Penis...and Jai follows...'PENIS'' Beau screams. ''PPPPEEENIS'' Jai follows. I laugh a bit and look at Beau. '''PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENIS'' Beau screams.  Suddenly the front door of the Brooks house opens. I see a  beautiful lady standing infront of me. ''BEAU BROOKS DO NOT SCREAM AT THIS TIME OF NIGHT'' The lady says. Jai takes a deep breath and smiles awkwardly. ''And this is mum'' He says pointing to Gina. My face drops and I blush a bit. ''Mum this is Perri, Perri...this is...Mum.." Jai says quietly. Gina takes off her glasses and smiles ''Hello Beautiful'' She says. ''Jai can I speak to you for a moment, Beau go in your room'' Gina instructs. I stand on the porch and scratch my head. I feel kinda...bad. After a few minuets Gina comes back outside and smiles ''Ive just been told about you love, I feel so bad, do you want to stay the night?'' She asks in a warm voice. I nod my head slowly and smile ''I dont want to feel like Im being a bad house guest'' I say mumbling a bit. ''nocence, Perri! Come inside!'' She says. I walk in the house and instantly feel at home.

I see Luke on the couch watching TV when he turns around and sees me ''Hey, what the fuck!?'' Luke says in a supervised voice. ''LANGUAGE MR BROOKS'' Gina says. I smile slightly and giggle a bit. Jai comes out of the kitchen and smiles at me. ''Ill show you your room'' He says. He guides me to my room and I sit on the bed. I look at him and he looks at me. ''You okay Perri'' He says. I shake my head and try hold back my tears. He sits next to me and pulls me in for a hug. ''Shhhh'' He says. ''Beautiful girls dont deserve to cry'' He says stoking my head. Ive just met Jai but he feel like my best friend. I can tell we are going to be really good friends already. I cry for a bit as he holds me in his arms.I sit up and wipe my tears before the other boys come in to say goodnight. I smile and mumble to myself ''What am I going to sleep in'' I say. Jai hears me and smiles. ''Ill be right back'' he says. I sit on the bed until I see him make his way back in my room with a shirt. ''Here, wear this'' He says handing me the shirt. ''Aww, thankyou Jai'' I say with a smile. ''Goodnight gorgeous'' Jai tells me before leaving my room. I put my shirt on and get under the covers. Is this real!? Am I really spening the night at the Brooks brothers house..I can only take this as a sign that maybe Jai does like me...

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