Chapter 2

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Payton's POV

I was making my way down to the studio in our basement. You see, our basement has two studios: a dance studio and a recording studio/booth. I was making my way to the recording booth to meet (y/n), Brian, Shane, and Cole. We are still pretty jet lagged from our cross country flights so we decided to do a cover and just make arrangements.

Now here's the thing. (Y/n), Brian, the twins, and I are in a band called Elements. We consider ourselves a band because we play live instruments but we also just do standing and choreo performances. However, we are currently MYSTERY Elements. That's because we don't necessarily want to live the "celebrity lifestyle". You're probably thinking, "Who the hell wouldn't want the celebrity lifestyle!?!?" Well considering that we seeing the goods and the bads of the celebrity life, we collectively decided not to try and pursue it... Just yet. We still want our music to be heard so we came up with the mysterious aspect and cover our faces, but not the mouth if we are singing. We each even have our own Mystery Element name.

I'm Shadow. (Y/n) is Mystique, from x-man. Shane is Mysterio. Cole is Ammun, Greek for 'the hidden one'. And Brian is Raz, Aramaic for 'secret'. As you can tell we put a lot of thought into this.

Anyway, if we wanna talk in our videos, we either hold up cue cards or auto tune our voices.

Simon Cowell and L.A.Reid know about us, but not 'Mystery Element', because we had to watch the X-Factor judges one year. They let us called them uncle and despite what the public thinks about them, they are pretty awesome dudes. I saw sides of them the public probably doesn't see or even recognize. Anyway, Simon and LA always try to persuade us into signing with them as a joined label. We always respectively decline and say we will continue to think about it later. I don't think they will ever stop asking us. They even ask the other guys, Mark, Keith, Wes, James, Dylan, and Adam, who are also in a band/group like us. But they say what we say... Or WE say what THEY say cause they started this whole thing.

Everyone in our family can sing, dance, and play 2-4 instruments. It always amazes me how our parents managed to do that for us. Between school, sports practice, music practices, and their own personal life, they seemed to have managed pretty well.

I make my way downstairs to see everyone on there phones or taking a quick nap, well only (y/n) is. I walk behind (y/n) and scream.

"AAAHHHHHH" (y/n) screams while falling off the chair. Everyone begins to hysterically laugh. It's a good thing the studios are sound proof.

"I fucking hate you guys sometimes" (y/n) pouts.

"Alright, alright, alright, le...."

"WE GON LEARN TODAY" Shane interrupts Cole.

"Haha, shut the fuck up man" Cole chuckles. "As I was saying, let's pick a song to do a cover of."


"Mmmmm Bruno Mars" (y/n) dreamily says. Everyone looks at her weirdly but let out a small laugh.

We spent about 30 minutes deciding who sings what lines. We are too tired to figure anything else. We also ended up deciding to hit the beach tomorrow. Shortly after, we all go to our rooms and hit the hay. Almost immediately after I laid down I PTFO!


Your POV


WHY AM I STILL AWAKE!? You know that feeling where you're tired but you just can't fall asleep? Well I'm feeling that right about now and it sucks. I would of thought the jet lag feeling to take over my body but it didn't. I guess that's my fault for sleeping for 3 hours before I went to the recording studio earlier.

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